Liber 37—Rent Roll Kent No. S. 169 pages; typed index of tract
names; contains (pp. 1-66) rent roll for Cecil County
and (pp. 76-169) rent roll for Kent County. This is
identical with Liber 25 in respect to arrangement and
names of tracts. Alienations and the names of rent-
payers are entirely lacking for the Cecil County rent
roll, however, while the Kent County rent roll has the
names of the rent-payers arranged alphabetically and
though no alienations are included notations of resur-
veys are.
Liber 38—Rent Roll Prince George's No. 1. 234 pages; typed in-
dex of tract names; rent-roll entries of lands patented
to 1756; alienations to 1775.
Liber 39—Rent Roll Prince George's No. 2. 234 pages; typed
index of tract names; entries on lands patented to 1756;
alienations to 1769. This is the Revenue Office counter-
part of Liber 38.
Liber 40—Rent Roll Prince George's No. S. 68 pages; typed index
of tract names; alienation entries to 1769; title page:
"Prince George's County Rent Roll 1757." This is the
Revenue Office counterpart of Liber 41, pp. 1-69.
Liber 41—Rent Roll Prince George's No. 4. 105 pages; typed
index of tract names; entries on lands patented to 1775,
including not only the 1757 rent roll but additional rent
rolls 1769-1775 and in addition, the names, owners and
acreages of lands patented 1783-1788; title page:
"Prince George's County Rent Roll Lib. No. 2 Anno
1757;" alienations to 1775.
Liber 42—Rent Roll Queen Anne No. 4. 104 pages; hand-written
index; typed index of tract names; contains (pp. 1-102)
additional rent rolls 1752-1775 and (pp. 103-4) names,
owners and acreages of lands patented 1782-1790;
alienations to 1772.
Liber 43—Rent Roll St. Mary's No. S. 163 pages; typed index of
tract names; pp. 1-151 are the Revenue Office counter-
part of pp. 1-151 of Liber 44,4 pp. 152-158 contain rent-
roll entries on lands patented 1768-69, pp. 159-163 con-
tain names, owners and acreages of lands patented 1782-
1790; alienations to 1768.
Liber 44—Rent Roll St. Mary's No. 4. 254 pages; typed index of
tract names.
(1) pp. 1-151; title page: "The Rent Roll of St.
Mary's County;" entries on lands patented to
1768; alienations to 1775.