The Hall of Records of Maryland was built as a part of the ter-
centenary celebration of the landing of the Ark and the Dove. It is
located in Annapolis on the corner of College Avenue and St. John's
Street. It is controlled and supervised by the Hall of Records
Commission which was created by Chapter 18, Acts of 1935, and
which is composed ex-officio of the Governor, the Comptroller of the
Treasury, the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, the Presidents
of the St. John's College, the Maryland Historical Society, the
Board of the Peabody Institute, and the Johns Hopkins University.
The present members of the Hall of Records Commission are
Governor Herbert R. O'Conor, the Honorable J. Millard Tawes, Jr.,
Judge Ogle Marbury, Chairman, Mr. Stringfellow Barr, Senator
George L. Radcliffe, Dr. J. Hall Pleasants, and Dr. Isaiah Bowman.
Every state, county, city, town, or other public official in Mary-
land is authorized to deposit in the Hall of Records, any original
papers, official books, records, documents, files, newspapers, printed
books, or portraits not in use. He is required to deposit all records
in his custody created before the date of the adoption of the Federal
Constitution by Maryland, April 28, 1788. The Hall of Records will
furnish for a small fee photostat, typewritten or microfilm copies of
any documents in its custody. All the materials at the Hall of
Records are available for use by the public in the Search room of
the Hall of Records subject to such regulations for their safekeeping
as have been adopted by the Hall of Records Commission. Inquiries
received by mail will be answered if the research required is con-
fined to the use of our extensive indexes; however, no family lines
will be traced, nor will any record be evaluated for genealogical