Accounts, list and analysis of, 110-112;
Index to, 115.
See also Inventories and Accounts.
Addison, John, Commissary General, 116.
Addison, Thos., Commissary General, 117.
Agent, duties and powers, 19, 36;
custodian of Land Office records, 42.
Alienation fines, defined, 13; annual yield,
14; how collected and recorded, 17.
Annapolis, Prerogative Court located
at, 89.
Anne Arundel County, probate records
not duplicated, 89; Prerogative Court
records removed to, 90; probate proceed-
ings of Clerk of Court, 105 and f. 58.
Anne Arundel County, Rent Rolls, 60, 62-
63; Debt Books, 67-68.
Appeal from Commissary General's deci-
sions, 87.
Assignments, recorded in Patents and
Warrants, 21; types of, 26.
Auditor General, custodian of Proprietary
Leases, 42.
Balance Books, list and analysis of, 112-
113; Index to, 115.
Baltimore County, Rent Rolls, 60, 63;
Debt Books, 68.
Bathe, Peter, Clerk of Secretary's Office,
Batson, Edward, Clerk and Register of
Prerogative Court, 118.
Beale, John, Deputy Commissary for Anne
Arundel County, 89 f. 30.
Beard, John, Clerk and Register of Pre-
rogative Court, 118.
Binks, George, warrant to, 88.
Bishop of London, attempts to control
Prerogative Court, 81-82.
Blackiston, Nehemiah, Commissary Gen-
eral, 116.
Bladen, William, Commissary General,
117; Clerk and Register of Prerogative
Court, 118.
Blomfield, John, Clerk of Secretary's
Office, 86, 117; Clerk and Register of
Prerogative Court, 118.
Board of Revenue, assigned care of pro-
prietary leases, 32; control over quit
rents, 36-38; remarks on confused state
of Western Shore Rent Rolls, 41.
Bordley, Stephen, Commissary General,
Bordley, Thomas, Commissary General,
117; Clerk and Register of Prerogative
Court, 118.
Boughton, Richard, Secretary, 116.
Boullay, James, Clerk and Register of Pre-
rogative Court, 118.
Bouye, John, Clerk and Register of Pre-
rogative Court, 118.
Bray, Thomas, appointed Commissary, 82.
Bretton, William, Clerk of Secretary's
Office, 85, 117.
Brewer, George G., Register of Land Office,
recorded proprietary leases, 32-33, 43.
Brooke, Thomas, Jr., Commissary General,
82. 116, 117.
Brown, John, proof of rights, 23.
Butler, George, Clerk and Register of Pre-
rogative Court, 118.
Cakewood, Thomas, Clerk of Secretary's
Office, 117.
Calvert, Benedict, Register of Land Office,
Calvert, Cecilius, second Lord Baltimore,
receives charter, 21-22.
Calvert, Charles, Governor, 86, 116; active
interest in probate matters, 84; Com-
missary General, 117.
Calvert, Charles, third Lord Baltimore,
18; will of, 102.
Calvert County, probate proceedings of
Clerk of Court, 97-98.
Calvert County, Rent Rolls, 60, 61, 64;
Debt Books, 68-69.
Calvert, Edward Henry, Commissary Gen-
eral, 117.
Calvert, George, first Lord Baltimore, ap-
plies for charter, 21.
Calvert, Leonard, commission as Gover-
nor, 16, 83.