Inventories & Accounts 10, Liber XII, p. 1495, 1688-1695. Liber
LC in back of the volume, p. 1-35, 1692-1693.
Inventories & Accounts 11, Liber HB No. C, two volumes bound
together by the Commissioners of 1716:
11 A, p. 1-50 (double pages), contains wills, inventories and
administration bonds for Anne Arundel County, 1690-
11B, p. 1-73, 1700.
Inventories & Accounts 12, Liber KG No. 13, p. 1-160, 1693-1694.
Inventories & Accounts 13, two volumes bound together by the
Commissioners of 1716:
13A, Liber KC No. 14, p. 1-391, 1694-1695.
13B, Liber KC No. 15, p. 1-157, 1695-1696.
Inventories & Accounts 14, Liber EC No. 16, p. 1-159, 1696-1697.
Inventories & Accounts 15, Liber KC No. 17, p. 1-361, 1697-1698.
Inventories & Accounts 16, Liber KC No. 18, p. 1-247, 1698.
Inventories & Accounts 17, Liber No. 19, p. 1-178, 1698.
Inventories & Accounts 18, Liber No. 20, p. 1-255, 1698-1699.
Inventories & Accounts 19, Liber No. 21, p. 1-179, 1699.
Inventories & Accounts 19 1/2, Liber No. 57, two volumes bound
together by the Commissioners of 1716:
19 1/2A, p. 1-175, 1699-1700.
19 1/2B, p. 1-160, 1699-1700.
Inventories & Accounts 20, Liber WT, p. 1-274, 1700-1701.
Inventories & Accounts 21, Liber T, p. 1407, 1701-1702.
Inventories & Accounts 22, Liber WT, p. 1-155, 1702-1703
Inventories & Accounts 23, Liber WT No. 1, p. 1-197, 1702-1703.
Inventories & Accounts 24, Liber WT No. 2, p. 1-292, 1703-1704.
Inventories & Accounts 25, Liber BC No. 3, p. 1435, 1705-1706.
Inventories & Accounts 26, Liber 1C No. 2, p. 1-343, 1706-1707.
Inventories & Accounts 27,Liber 1C No. 3, p. 1-264, 1707.
Inventories & Accounts 28, Liber 1C No. 44, p. 1-358, 1707-1708.
Inventories & Accounts 29, Liber 1C No. 4, p. 1-358, 1707-1708.
58 This liber does not belong in the series, for it is obviously a record of
the probate proceedings of the Clerk of the Court for Anne Arundel
County during the Protestant Revolution. See note 53.