THURSDAY, January 13th, 1876.
The House met, and was opened with prayer by the Rev.
Mr. Steele.
Present at the call of the roll the following members :
Messrs. Smith, (Speaker,) Dunbar, Mattingly, Boyer, Usil-
ton, Hodges, Robinson, Rullman, Turner, Bird, Lancaster,
Hawkins, Hooper, Baldwin, Whitelock,Curtis, Smith, of Balt,
co., Given, Fitzjarrell, Dodson, Lankford, Gunby, Ford,
Lambdin, Smith, of Dor., Waters, of Dor., Briscoe, Consta-
ble, Ward, Snowden, Hance, Gwynn, Cockey, Neal, Onley,
Riggs, Hinks, Naill, Koons, Rutledge, Boyle, Vandiver,
Culbreth, Rusk, Berkemeier, Lewis, McWilliams, Hoblit-
Bell, McGlone, Coburn, Stewart, McAleese, Gill, Loane,
Chaisty, Harig, Albaugh, Sanders, Fenton, Scott, Farrow,
Ranger, Jones, Canby, Griffith, Rawlings, Atkinson, Sprigg,
Brooke, Brown, Rinehart, Lamotte, Waters, of Car'l,, Don-
aldson, Clark. Dashiell, Gordy, Browning, Barnard—79.
Messrs. S. L. Hefienger and Esma Lowe, officers-elect,
appeared, qualified, and entered upon the discharge of their
Mr. McGlone presented the petition of the children and
heirs-at-law of Philemon Griffith, for passage of an Act to
release to them interest of State in legacy of $2,000, be-
queathed by will of said Philemon Griffith to his wife, Ann
Griffith, an escheated.
Which was read and referred to the Committee on the
Mr. Baldwin presented a memorial from citizens of Balti-
more city, and from citizens of some of the counties in. the
State, demanding that the Legislature throw out the vote of
Baltimore city at the late election.
Which was read and referred to the Committee on Elec-
The Speaker laid before the House the following commu-
nication from Hon. Levin Woolford, Comptroller of the Treas-
ury, together with accompanying report:
Annapolis, January 6th, 1876,
Hon. Lewis C. Smith
Speaker of the House of Delegates.
Dear Sir :—I have the honor herewith to transmit to your
Honorable Body, my annual report of the condition of the