Curtis, Culbreth, Brown,
Smith, of B. co. Goldsborough. Rinehart,
Given, Rusk, Larnotte,
Fitzjarrell, Berkeiaeier, Waters, of Car'l.
Smith, of Dor. Hoblitzell, Donaldson,
Waters, of Dor. Coburn, Dashiell,
Briscoe, Stewart, Browning—5 G.
Snowden, McAleese,
NEGATIVE—Mr. Hawkins—1.
The hour having arrived for taking up the order of the
The House proceeded to the consideration of the bill en-
titled an Act to incorporate the Consumers Mutual'Gas Light
Company of Baltimore City.
Said bill being upon a second reading,
Mr, Hoblitzell submitted the following amendment:
Section 11, line 3, after the word "made" insert, by a Joint
Committee of seven—three Stockholders, three Consumers,
and the President, of which the latter shall be Chairman.
The proposed amendment was adopted.
Mr. Hart submitted the following amendment:
Amend by inserting after the word "currency," the word
"and," in line 2 Section 14, the words following, viz: "And
the corporation hereby created shall not be consolidated or
amalgamated with any other Company of the like nature, and
created for the like purposes, and no other corporations creat-
ed for any of the like purposes, nor any of the officers or
stockholders of any other such corporation shall be allowed
to acquire or hold a controlling interest in the corporation
hereby created, nor any of its officers or stockholders be al-
lowed to acquire or hold a controlling interest in any corpo-
ration created for any of the like purposes."
Which was adopted.
On motion of Mr. Hart,
The further consideration thereof was postponed, and
said bill was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Loane moved that said Committee be requested to re-
port on to-morrow.
Decided in the negative.
The House then proceeded to the consideration of the next
order of the day, being
The bill entitled an Act for the better protection of human
life in the Coal Mines of Allegany county.