Bill to incorporate Maryland Live Stock Com-
pany of, 896, 965, 1443,
Bill to enable inn-keepers in, to provide for
their guests, 936, 1589.
Bill to authorize building of new Tobacco
Warehouse in, 978,1115, 1277.
Bill to regulate issuing of licenses to ordinary
and oyster house keepers in, 992.
Senate bill to repeal Sections 4, 15 and 16, Ar-
ticle 4 of, relating to, 1056, 1097.
Senate bill to repeal Section 875, Article 4,
entitled "Taxes and Loans," 1057, 1239,
Bill to direct Clerk of Superior Court of, to
purchase Campbell's System of Indexing, 1075,
1130, 1358, 1490.
Senate bill to add Section to Article 4, sub-title
"Taxes and Loans," 1091, 1543.
Senate bill to repeal Sections 205, 206 and 212,
Article 4, subtitle "Elections," 1092, 1131, 1150,
Bill regulating all organizations chartered by
Courts of, 1096, 1377
Memorial of citizens of, 1177.
Bill to authorize Trustees of J. R. Trimble, to
build a pier on Light street in, 1185, 1243.
Senate bill to regulate gas-meters in, 1386,
1389, 1605.
Senate bill relating to corporations in, 1431,
BALTIMORE COUNTY—Petition of Shadrach Street, and
other citizens of, for removal of Eastern Hay
Scales, 89.
"Order relating to Alms House property in, 103;
rejected, 104.
Bill prohibiting granting of licenses for sale of
liquors at or near Mt. Vernon Factory in, read
first time, 114; second, 187; passed, 199,
Petition for the relief of William Btrns of, 141.