Senate bill to give sanction to last will of Rachel
Heck of, 426, 573, 641.
Bill to direct Librarian to furnish set of Code,
Bill to repeal Section 8, Article 1, sub-title
"Oakland," 608, 645, 716.
Bill to levy tax on dogs in, 617, 746, 806.
Bill to repeal Section 98, Article 1, of Public
Local Laws, relating to, 821, 910, 1078.
Senate bill to regulate ventilation of coal mines
in, and Garrett county, 1056, 1103.
Bill to authorize County Commissioners of, to
levy for repairs to roads in, 1058.
Seneate bill to, chapter 64, of 1864, relating to
the National Road in, 1367
Bill to prevent erection of slaughter houses
near public roads in, 1377, 1420.
ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY—Bill authorizing Clerk of
Court of, to place certain fees in hands of Sheriffs,
166; second, 187; passed, 203.
Bill to repeal Section 4, of January Session,
1854, chapter 85, relating to bridge over Patux-
ent river, 428, 539, 739.
Bill to sanction bequests of Rezin Hammond
of, 618, 535, 746, 893.
Bill to amend charter of City of Annapolis in,
519, 535, 849.
Bill to authorize County Commissioners of, to
erect jail, 519.
Bill to exempt certain waters of, from Sections
1 and 3, Article 98, relating to wild fowl, 522,
631, 681.
Bill for protection of birds in, 522, 809, 858.
Bill to repeal Section 79, sub-Section 2, sub-
title "County Commissioners," 571, 645, 805.
Bill to repeal Act of 1867, chapter 390, relat-
ing to sale of liquors to minors, 608, 646, 776.
Bill to add sub-Sections to Article 2, sub-title
"Annapolis," 617, 722, 751