ABSENTEES—R. E. Linthicum,30; Hess, 86; Curtis, 106;
Canby and Curtis, 122; Lamotte, 161; McGlone,
162; Rawlings, 162; Hawkins, 183; Dunbar, 195;
Dodson.195; Ward, 216; Hoblitzell, 216; Onley,
216; Goldsborough, Boyer, Ward, Curtis, Koons,
228; Waters, Neal, 237; Scott, 257; Gwynn,
Farrow, Fenton, McGlone, 267; Waters, 285;
Ford, Briscoe, Fitzjarrell, 301; Linthicum, 316;
Koons, 325; Turner, Goldsborough, 343; Brown-
ing, 368; Ward, 370; Farrow, S89; Parson,
Dashield, Purnell, Griffith, Turner, Smith, Cur-
tis, 419; Clark, Touchstone, 431; Dunbar, 460;
Browning, 480; Curtis, 482; Ward, 601; Bald-
win, Smith, Constable, McGlone, 504; Naill,
504; Bird, Hodges, Cockey, 586; Albaugh, Smith,
of Dor., Rutledge, 611; Boyle, Smith, Lambdin,
652; Kuby, 725; Onley, Ford, 783; Neal, 803;
Given, Baldwin, Goldsborough, Waters, of Dor.,
Smith, of Dor , Gwynn, 816.
CTS OF ASSEMBLY—Senate bill to make valid Acts of
Commissioners under Act of 1840, chapter 219,
425, 604, 641.
Senate bill to repeal Acts of 1874, chapter
395, relating to cessation of lands to the United
States, 426, 664.
Senate Bill to repeal Act of 1870, chapter 182,
Section 22 of, title "Military," 426, 591.
Senate bill to repeal Act of 1870, chapter 416,
relating to Incorporated Companies, 496, 897,
Bill to repeal Sections 6, 8 and 21, chapter 54,
of 1872 of, titie "Wild Fowl," 565,603,637,
Senate bill to repeal Section 145, of 1874,
chapter 483, title "Revenue and Taxes," 572,