Riggs, Hess, Browning,
Hinks, Albaugh, Barnard—37.
Mr. Naill moved that the vote by which said bill had been
rejected, be reconsidered.
The question then recurring upon concurring in 'the mo-
On motion of Mr. Hinks,
The motion to reconsider was laid on the fable.
On motion of Mr, Rullman,
The House then proceeded to the consideration of the fol-
lowing order submitted on Saturday last:
Ordered, That the Committee on Claims pay to George
W. Murdoch one hundred dollars, for faithful performance
of his duties as an officer of this House.
The question recurring upon the adoption of the order,
Mr. Hooper moved to lay the order on the table,
Decided in the negative,
The House then refused to call the yeas and nays upon the
The order was then adopted by acclamation.
Mr. Whitelock submitted the following order :
Ordered, That the thanks of this House are due and are
hereby tendered its Chief Clerk, Milton Y. Kidd, and his
assistants, Messrs. W. H. Cole, W. B. Peter and R. Johnson
Colton, for the attention, accuracy and care with which they
have fulfilled the duties of their respective offices.
Which was unanimously adopted.
The Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal Section 29, of the
Act of 1868, chapter 471, entitled an Act to repeal Article
26, of the Code of Public General Laws, relating to corpora-
tions, and to enact a substitute therefore, and to repeal Sec-
tion 22, of Article 16; Sections 99 to 101, of the same Arti-
cle, and Sections 43 to 43, of Article 88, of the Code of Pub-
lic General Laws, and re-enact the same so as to read as
Was read a third time as amended, and passed by yeas and
nays as follows:
Mattingly, Ward, Harig,
Boyer, Snowden, Albaugh,
Usilton, Gwynn, Sanders,
Robinson, Cockey, Fenton,