And whereas, It is the sense of this House, that if such al-
legations and charges should be true, they would constitute
a flagrant evil and gross abuse of public trust, demanding
prompt measures for their punishment, correction and sup-
pression ; therefore—
Se it ordered, That a Select Committee of ———— be ap-
pointed by the Speaker to enquire whether any person, per-
sons or corporation, his, their or its agent, paid or gave any
gift, bonus, percentage or other consideration to anyone, in
order thereby to procure legislation by said General Assem-
bly of 1874, and what, if any sum of money, gift or other
consideration was so given or paid, and to whom, for whom,
and by whom the same was given or paid.
And that said Committee is hereby requested and directed
to summon and examine on oath the officers, trustees, direc-
tors, visitors, managers, or other person or persons, or their
agents authorized by law to receive or expend any moneys
appropriated by gaid Legislature for the use or benefit of any
institution or corporation under control of this Slate, private
individuals or both, and ascertain how the same was received
and how expended, and what, if any sum of money or other
consideration was given or paid, for the purpose of aiding or
securing the passage or enactment of any law making such
appropriation, and if any, to whom, for whom, and by whom
the same was so paid or given.
And eaid Committee is hereby further directed to fully and
searchingly investigate the matters herein mentioned, with
full power to send for persons and examine them on oath,
and to send for books, papers and documents, and that said
Committee report the result to this House as soon as their
investigation shall be fully and properly completed.
Which was read
The question recurring upon the adoption of the order,
On motion of Mr. Hoiges,
The further consideration thereof was postponed.
And said order was made the order of the day far to-
On motion of Mr. Ward,
Leave was granted to the Cecil and Garrett delegations
to introduce a bill to repeal and re-enact with amend-
ments, Section 1, of chapter 439, of the Acts of 1874, re-
lating to the issuing of licenses far the sale spirituous and
fermented liquors, so at to exempt Cecil und Garrett counties
from the provisions of said Act.