Mr. Goldsborough submitted the following order :
Ordered. That Edward Jamison be transferred from the
folder's department to assist the postmaster under his direc-
Which was adopted,
Mr. Hinks submitted the following order :
WHEREAS, It appears from the message of the Governor
and accompanying documents, which were transmitted to
this House, that one Thomas Riggin, an unresisting and un-
armed citizen of the State of Maryland, on the 11th of Sep-
tember, 1874, while peaceably boating upon the waters of
Pocomoke Sound, within a mile of the Maryland shore, and
within the territory which has always been held in actual
possession by said State, and subject to its jurisdiction, and
which forms a part of the County of Somerset, was ap-
proached by an armed canoe, believed to be commanded by
one Wm. S. Curtis, an Oyster Inspector of the State of Vir-
ginia, and fired upen and severely wounded by some person
therein, and being so severely wounded as to be rendered help-
less—was abandoned to his fate, and driven by wind and
waves upon the shores of Somerset county in this State, in
consequence whereof, said Riggin shortly thereafter died.
And whereas, It does not appear that there was any cause,
provocation or justification for such homicide.
And whereas, It appears that the Governor of Viginia, has
characterized the said Act as "an act of violence," and "a
flagant outrage upon the laws of Virginia."
And whereas, This House has heard, with indignation, of
the above act, which appears to have been a wanton and bru-
tral murder, and "a flagrant outrage upon the laws" and
rights of the State of Maryland.
And whereas, It does not appear that the offender or offen-
ders have been apprehended, indicted or punished by the au-
thorities f f the State of Maryland, or of the State of Vir-
ginia, or of the United States.
And whereas, It is the duty of this State and of the Uni
ted States, to protect each and every of their citizens in the
enjoyment of their rights as citizens.
Ordered, That the Committee to which was referred the
above mentioned part of the Governor's Message, report to
this House, within ten days, whether any, and if any what
action has been taken by the authorities of this State, of the
State of Virginia, or of the United States, in the premises,
and with what result.
Which was adopted.
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