Mr. Hinks moved that the reasons submitted by Mr. Don-
aldson be so entered upon the journal.
The question recurring upon concurring in the motion sub-
mitted by Mr. Hinks,
Mr. Scott demanded the yeas and nays,
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called and appeared aa follows :
Smith, Speaker, Briscoe, Farrow,
Dunbar, Hance, Ranger,
Boyer, Cockey, Jones,
Turner, Purnell, Canby,
Hooper, Riggs Griffith,
Baldwin, Hinks, Rawlings,
Whitelock, Koons, Brooke,
Curtis, Rutledge, Rinehart,
Smith, of B. co., Boyle, Lamotte,
Given, Vandiver, Waters, of Car'l,
Fitzjarrell, Culbreth, Clark,
Lankford, Gill, Dashiell,
Gunby, Fenton, Gordy,
Waters, of Dor., Scott, Barnard—42.
Mattingly, Gwynn, Chaisty,
Usilton, Neal, Hess,
Hodges, Onley, Albaugh,
Robinson, Coburn, Sanders,
Rullman, Stewart, Sprigg,
Ward, McAleese, Brown,
Snowden, Loane, Browning—21.
So the motion was sustained, and Mr Donaldson's reasons
for not voting were ordered to be entered on the journal.
Mr. Neal, Chairman of the Committee on Elections, sub-
mitted the iollowing
To the Honorable the House of Delegates of Maryland:
The Committee on Elections of the House of Delegates, to
whcm was referred the memorial of certnin citizens of Balti-
more, praying that the election of Members of this House,
held in the Second Legislative District of that city, on No-
vember 2d, 1875, be declared null and void, respectfully re-
port :
Referring to their report on the First Legislative District
for their views on the general questions of law, your Com-