Fitzarrell, Vandiver, Rinehart,
Waters, of Dor., Culbreth, Donaldson,
Briscoe, Rusk, Clark,
Snowden, McGlone, Dashiell,
Gwynn, Stewart, Gordy—33.
So the amendments proposed by Mr. Naiil were rejected.
The question then recurring upon the amendment sub-
mitted by Mr. Scott,
Mr. Scott demanded the yeas and nays,
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows :
Smith, Speaker, Given, Naill,
Dunbar, Fitzjarrell, Koons,
Hodges, Dodson, Goldsborough
Lancaster, Laukford, Scott,
Hooper, Gunby, Farrow,
Baldwin, Ford, Ranger,
Whitelock, Waters, of Dor., Sprigg,
Curtis, Riggs, Rinehart,
Smith, of B. co., Hinks, Dashiell—27.
Mattingly, Neal, Stewart,
Boyer, Purnell, Chaisty,
Usilton, Onley, Sanders,
Robinson, Rutledge, Fenton,
Rullman, Boyle, Jones,
Briscoe, Vandiver, Griffith,
Constable, Culbreth, Rawlings,
Snowden, Rusk, Donaldson,
Gwynn, Hoblitzell, Gordy,
Cockey, McGloae, Browning—30.
So the amendment submitted by Mr. Scott was rejected.
Mr. Neal moved that the House do now proceed to the
consideration of the next Section.
The question recurring upon concurring in the motion,
Mr. Vandiver demanded the previous question,
The question then being,
"Shall the main question be now put ?"
It was iuitained,
The question then recurring upon the motion submitted by
Mr. Neal,