Section 2, line 18, after the word "unsold," insert: "all
judgments, notes, securities and property belonging to any
bank or other corporation, the capital stock, shares of which
are not exempted from taxation, but whose shares of capital
stock are subject to taxation, and upon which the State taxes
are paid as prrovided for in the 81st Article of the Code of
Public General Laws."
Which was rejected.
On motion of Mr. Scott,
At 3 o'clock, P. H., the House took a recess until 4,
o'clock, this P. M.
FRIDAY, March 24th, 1876.
The House met at 4 P. M.
Present at the call of the roll the following Members:
Messrs. Smith, (Speaker,) Dunbar, Mattingly,Boyer, Usil-
ton, Hodges, Robinson, Rullman, Turner, Bird, Lancaster,
Hooper, Baldwin, Whitelock, Curtis, Smith, of B. co., Given,
Fitzjarrell, Dodson, Lankford, Gunby, Ford, Waters, of Dor.,
Briscoe, Ward, Snowden, Gwynn, Cockey, Neal, Purnell,
Onley, Riggs, Hinks, Naill, Koons, Rutledge, Boyle, Vandi-
ver, Culbreth, Goldsborough, Rusk, Hoblitzell, McGlone,
Stewart, Gill, Chaisty, Sanders, Fenton, Scott, Farrow, Ran-
ger, Jones, Canby Griffith, Rawlings, Atkinson, Sprigg,
Brown, Rinehart, Lamotte, Waters, of Car'l, Donaldson,
Dashiell, Gordy, Barnard, Browning—66.
The Senate bill entitled an Act to prevent stock running
at large in Baltimore county, within fifteen miles from Bal-
timore city,
Was read the third time and passed by yeas and nays as
follows: .
Smith, Speaker, Waters, of Dor., Rusk,
Dunbar, Briscoe, Hoblitzell,
Mattingly, Ward, Gill,
Boyer; Snowden, Chaisty,
Usilton, Gwynn, Harig,
Robinson, Cockey, Fenton,
Rullman, Ncal, Scott,
Bird, Purnell, Farrow,
Hooper, Onley, Ranger,