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Session Laws, 1937
Volume 412, Page 77   View pdf image (33K)
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personal property under a recorded bill of sale, in possession
of said property, who, in the case of mortgaged personal prop-
erty, without the consent of the mortgagee or his assigns, first
had and obtained in writing, or who, in the case of the pur-
chaser of personal property under a recorded, conditional,
written contract, without the consent first had and obtained
in writing of the conditional vendor in said contract, or his
assigns, or who, in the case of personal property levied on and
taken in execution, without the consent of the execution
creditor, his assigns or lawfully authorized agents, first had
and obtained in writing, or who, in the case of the vendor of
personal property under a recorded bill of sale, without the
consent first had and obtained in writing of the vendee in said
contract or his assigns, and with intent to defraud the mort-
gagee, or with intent to defraud the said vendor of personal
property in a recorded, conditional, written contract, or his
assigns, or with intent to defraud the execution creditor or
his assigns, and defeat his or their lien under said execution,
or with intent to defraud the vendee, shall remove any of the
personal property so mortgaged or purchased under said re-
corded, conditional, written contract, or levied on and taken
in execution as aforesaid, or so sold under said recorded bill
of sale, as the case may be, beyond the limits of the city or
county where it is located when so mortgaged or purchased
under said recorded, conditional, written contract, or levied
on and taken in execution, or so sold under said recorded bill
of sale, or who, with intent as aforesaid, removes, secretes,
hypothecates, destroys or sells the same shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and on indictment therefor and con-
viction thereof shall be imprisoned in the city or county jail
not more than six months, or shall be fined not more than
five hundred dollars, or both, in the discretion of the court;
but nothing herein contained shall be construed to relieve the
sheriff or other officer holding said execution from his responsi-
bility to the execution creditor for the safe keeping of any
personal property by him levied on and taken in execution as

SEC. 2. And lie it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1937.

Approved May 18, 1937.


AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 13
of Article 78B of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1935
Supplement), title "Racing Commission", as the same was


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Session Laws, 1937
Volume 412, Page 77   View pdf image (33K)
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