studies and to pay for such additional traffic or other expert
studies as it may deem expedient. The Commission shall have
power and authority to make and enter into all contracts and
agreements necessary or incidental to the performance of its
duties and the execution of its powers under this sub-title,
and to employ engineering, architectural and construction ex-
perts and inspectors and attorneys, and such other employees
as may be necessary in its judgment, and fix their compensa-
tion. All such expenses incurred by the Commission prior to
the issuance of revenue bonds under the provisions of this
sub-title, shall be paid by the Commission and charged to the
particular projects on account of which such services are per-
formed and such expenses incurred, and the Commission shall
keep proper records and accounts showing each amount so
charged to each project. Upon the issuance of revenue bonds
to pay all or part of the cost of a project, the current funds of
the Commission shall be reimbursed from the proceeds of
such bonds for the amounts so paid and charged to such pro-
ject. Except as hereinabove provided, no liability or obliga-
tion shall be incurred hereunder beyond the extent to which
money shall have been provided under the authority hereof.
The Commission may accept from any Federal agency
grants for or in aid of the construction of any bridge or tunnel
hereunder, and may exercise any powers which may be con-
ferred upon it by Acts of the Congress of the United States or
which are necessary or convenient for the execution of its
powers. All public or private property damaged or destroyed
in carrying out the powers granted hereunder shall be restored
or repaired and placed in their original condition, as nearly
as practicable, or adequate compensation made therefor, out
of funds provided under the authority of this sub-title.
Commission is hereby authorized to purchase within this
State and within any adjoining state, solely from funds pro-
vided under the authority of this sub-title, such lands, struc-
tures, rights-of-way, franchises, easements, and other interests
in lands, including lands under water and riparian rights, of
any person, co-partnerships, association, railroad or other
corporation, or municipality or political sub-division, deemed
necessary for the construction of any such bridge or tunnel,
upon such terms and at such prices as may be considered by
it to be reasonable and can be agreed upon between it and the
owner thereof, and to take title thereto in 'the name of the
State of Maryland. Whenever a price cannot be agreed upon,
or whenever the owner is legally incapacitated or is absent or
is unable to convey valid title or is unknown, the Commission
is hereby authorized and empowered to acquire by condemna-
tion any of the above-mentioned properties. Such condemna-