and special rules may be adopted, amended, or rescinded by the
Board only after public hearing or an opportunity to be heard
thereon, of which proper notice has been given. General rules
shall become effective ten days after filing with the Secretary of
State and publication in one or more newspapers of general
circulation in this State. Special rules shall become effective
ten days after notice, which notice shall be by mailing to the
last known address of the individuals or concerns affected
thereby. Regulations may be adopted, amended or rescinded
by the Board and shall become effective in the manner and at
the time prescribed by the Board.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That Sub-section (c) of
Section 11 of Article 95A, title "Unemployment Compensa-
tion", sub-title "Administration", sub-title "Publication", ber
and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amend-
ments to read as follows:
(c) PUBLICATION. The Board shall cause to be printed for
distribution to the public the text of this Act, the Board's
regulations and general rules, its annual reports to the Gov-
ernor, and any other material the Board deems relevant and
suitable and shall furnish the same to any person upon appli-
cation therefor.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That Sub-section (d) of
Section 11 of Article 95A, title "Unemployment Compensa-
tion", sub-title "Administration", sub-title "Personnel", be, and
the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments
to read as follows:
(d) PERSONNEL. Subject to the other provisions of this
Act the Board is authorized to appoint, fix the compensation
and prescribe the duties and powers of such employees as may
be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act. The
Board shall classify the positions and shall establish salary
schedules and minimum personnel standards for the positions
so classified. It shall provide for the holding of examinations
under the supervision of the Board to determine the classifica-
tion of applicants for the positions so classified, and, except for
temporary appointments, not to exceed one year in duration,
shall appoint its personnel on the basis of efficiency and fit-
ness as determined in such examinations. The Board shall
not appoint or employ any person who is an officer or commit-
tee member of any political party organization or who holds or
is a candidate for any elective public office. The Board shall
establish and enforce fair and reasonable regulations for ap-
pointments, promotions and demotions based upon ratings of