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Session Laws, 1937
Volume 412, Page 587   View pdf image (33K)
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contempt, and the person charged may purge himself of the
contempt in the same way, and the same proceedings shall be
had, and the same penalties may be imposed, and the same
punishment may be inflicted as in the case of a witness sub-
poenaed to appear and give evidence in the trial of a civil
cause. The Board shall have the power in its discretion, to
authorize the payment of fees and traveling expenses of
witnesses called before the Board and examined in any pro-
ceeding properly before the Board.

13. All signs prohibited by this Act shall be removed
within three months after the passage of this Act. Any person
or persons who shall prohibit, neglect, fail or refuse to remove
any sign prohibited by this Act is guilty of a violation of this
Act and subject to the penalties thereof.

14. Each person holding a license under this Act shall
exhibit on the door or the wall of the building wherein he
shall practice dentistry, not more than two signs on which
shall be placed the name and title or degree of such person,
the letters of which shall not exceed three inches square. Any
person practicing dentistry in any building may exhibit such
sign on the door of his office in addition to those on the door
or wall of such building.

15. Any person shall be deemed to be practicing dentistry,
within the meaning of this Act, (a) who is a manager, pro-
prietor, or conductor of, or an operator in, -any place in which
any dental service or any dental operation is performed within
the mouth of any person; or (b) who for a fee, salary, or other
remuneration or reward, paid or to be paid to himself or to
another, or gratuitously or otherwise, performs any such
service or operation; or (e) who diagnoses or treats, or
attempts to diagnose or treat, any disease, lesion, melocclusion,
or malposition of a tooth, gum or jaw, in any person, mechani-
cally, medicinally, by use of X-ray, or otherwise; or (d) who
attempts to perform in the mouth of any person any operation
incident to the repair or replacement of a tooth or teeth; or
(e) who publicly or privately applies to himself the title
"Dentist" or "Dental Surgeon" or uses the letters D. D. S. or
D. M. D., or any other titles or letters in connection with his
name which, in any way, represent him as being competent or
ready to perform any dental service or any dental operation in
any human mouth. This sub-section shall have no application
to any person who is the holder of a dental degree who does
not, either directly or indirectly, practice, or attempt to
practice, dentistry as hereinbefore set forth in this Section 15.

16. Nothing in this Act shall apply to a bona fide student
of dentistry in the clinic rooms of a reputable dental college;


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Session Laws, 1937
Volume 412, Page 587   View pdf image (33K)
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