produce for State consuming institutions and to determine
standards and prices for such products and compensation
to prison inmates; requiring the State, its political subdi-
visions and State-aided, owned, managed or controlled pub-
lic or semi-public institutions (with the exceptions stated
therein) to purchase of the Board of Welfare their require-
ments of all goods, wares, merchandise and farming pro-
ducts that the Board of Welfare can supply with articles
and produce manufactured in, produced, mined or raised by
the State Penal or Reformatory Institutions, all to be pur-
chased in the manner and on the terms therein provided for,
and conferring certain other powers upon the Board of
SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, that Section 676 of Article 27 of Bagby's Annotated
Code of Maryland (1924 Edition), title, "Crimes and Punish-
ments', sub-title, "The Department of Welfare", be and the
same is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments so
as to read as follows:
676. (1) No goods, wares or merchandise (whether con-
tained in the original package or otherwise) manufactured,
produced or mined wholly or in part by convicts or prisoners
in the State of Maryland or elsewhere, (except convicts or
prisoners on parole or probation), shall be sold in this State
except by or for the State of Maryland, to its political sub-
divisions or a State-aided, owned, controlled or managed pub-
lic or quasi-public institution or agency and in no event either
directly or indirectly to the consuming public, except that per-
ishable vegetables may be sold to canneries as authorized by
Article 88 A, Sec. 32.
(2) Should any person, firm, association or corporation,
directly or indirectly violate the provisions of this section the
person or persons knowingly participating in such violation
shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500. 00 or im-
prisonment of not more than one year, or both, in the discre-
tion of the Court.
(3) The Board of Welfare is hereby authorized and empow-
ered in its discretion to equip as funds become available the
penal and reformatory institutions of the State of Maryland
under its jurisdiction, hereinafter called "Producing Institu-
tion1*", with such plants, machinery and necessaries as will
permit them adequately to supply all goods, wares, merchan-
dise and produce required to be purchased by the needs of the
State, its political sub-divisions, and by State-aided, owned,
controlled or managed public or quasi-public institutions and
agencies, hereinafter called "Consuming Institutions", as may