Clerks' and Registers' Retirement Board.......
6, 385. 67
286. 14
6, 671. 81
Maryland Historical Society.................
4, 175. 00
4, 175. 00
Maryland Racing Commission................
20, 006. 61
20, 006. 61
Maryland State Board of Motion Picture Censors
26, 673. 73
2, 243. 85
28, 917. 58
Maryland Weather Bureau..................
1, 955. 43
1, 955. 43
Maryland Workshop for the Blind.............
71, 343. 56
71, 343. 56
Miscellaneous Appropriations Account No. 2..
63, 383. 96
376. 19
63, 760. 15
Miscellaneous Appropriations Account No. 3..
46, 546. 88
46, 546. 88
Miscellaneous Appropriations Account No. 4..
49, 117. 40
18. 00
49, 135. 40
Register of Wills for Anne Arundel County....
6, 034. 11
6, 034. 11
State Athletic Commission...................
16, 632. 21
16, 632. 21
State Aviation Commission..................
1, 522. 71
1, 522. 71
Veterans Relief Commission.................
90, 017. 78
101. 26
50. 00
90, 169. 04
War Memorial Commission..................
6, 974. 46
6, 974. 46
$13, 404, 144. 31
$13, 935, 265. 23
$20', 005, 803. 24
$54, 210. 00
$47, 399, 422. 78