AN ACT to add a new Article to the Code of Public General
Laws of Maryland, to be known as Article 44B, "Housing
Co-operation and Aid", authorizing cities, towns, counties,
and other public bodies to aid housing projects of housing
authorities or of the United States of America by furnishing
parks, playgrounds, streets, and other improvements and
facilities, by exercising certain other powers and by making
agreements relating to such aid; authorizing cities, towns,
counties and other political sub-divisions to contract with
respect to the sums to be paid them for improvements,
services and facilities to be provided for the benefit of
housing projects and the occupants thereof; requiring cer-
tain incorporated cities and towns to make an appropria-
tion for the first year's administrative expenses of housing
authorities; and authorizing certain cities, towns and coun-
ties to pay moneys to housing authorities.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted 'by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That a new Article be and the same is hereby added to
the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, to be known as
Article 44B, "Housing Co-operation and Aid", to read as fol-
1. This Article may be referred to as the "Housing Co-
operation Law".
2. It has been found and declared in the Housing Authori-
ties Law that there exist in the State unsafe and insanitary
housing conditions and a shortage of safe and sanitary dwell-
ing accommodations for persons of low income; that these
conditions necessitate excessive and disproportionate expen-
ditures of public funds for crime prevention and punishment,
public health and safety, fire and accident protection, and
other public services and facilities; and that the public in-
terest requires the remedying of these conditions.
It is hereby declared, That the assistance herein provided
for the remedying of the conditions set forth in the Housing
Authorities Law constitutes a public use and purpose and an
essential governmental function for which public moneys may
be spent, and that the provisions hereinafter enacted are
necessary in the public interest.
3. The following terms, whenever used or referred to in this
Article, shall have the following respective meanings, unless
different meaning clearly appears from the context:
(a) "Housing Authority" shall mean any housing authority
created pursuant to the Housing Authorities Law of this State.