(b) Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church (an Ohio
Corporation) in trust to be applied according to the Direc-
tion of Baltimore Branch of the Woman's Foreign Missionary
Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
51. To the gifts contained in the Last Will and Testament
of Mary A. Daily, deceased, late of Baltimore City, of record
in the office of the Register of Wills for said City in "Wills"
Liber J.H.B. 221, folio 565, viz:
(a) Little Sisters of the Poor in Baltimore City.
(b) Sisters of Mercy for the benefit of Mercy Hospital,
(c) St. Agnes Hospital, Wilkens Avenue, Baltimore.
52. To the gifts in remainder contained in Deed of Trust
from Henry Renneburg and Lucie H. Renneburg, his wife, to
Safe Deposit and Trust Company of Baltimore, Trustee,
dated December 12, 1944, and recorded among the Land Rec-
ords of Baltimore City in Liber M.L.P. 6678, folio 577, and
Amendment thereto from Lucie H. Renneburg, dated March
27, 1945, and recorded among said Land Records in Liber
M.L.P. 6717, folio 578, viz:
(a) Home for the Aged of the Methodist Episcopal Church
of Baltimore City.
(b) The Strawbridge Home for Boys, Inc.
(c) Kelso Home for Orphans' of the Methodist Episcopal
(d) The Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the
City and Precincts of Baltimore, known as the First Metho-
dist Church of Baltimore.
53. To the gift to Jewish Hospital for Consumptives
known as "Mt. Pleasant Sanatorium" contained in the Last
Will and Testament and Codicils thereto of Harriett Cohen
Coale, deceased, late of Baltimore City, of Record in the
office of the Register of Wills for said City in "Wills", Liber
J.H.B. 222, folio 444.
54. To the gift to The Convention of the Protestant
Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Washington, of the Dis-
trict of Columbia, for the use of St. Andrew's Protestant Epis-
copal Church in St. Mary's County, Maryland, contained in
the Last Will and Testament of Mary E. W. Ramey, deceased,
late of Anne Arundel County, of record in the office of the