SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That five new sections be and they are hereby added to
Article 21 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930
Edition), title "Talbot County", sub-title "Trappe", to be
under the sub-heading "Sewers", said new sections to be
known as Sections 549A, 549B, 549C, 549D and 549E of said
Article, and to read as follows:
549A. The Town Commissioners of Trappe are hereby fully
authorized and empowered to construct, establish, maintain
in working order and operate a sewerage system and sewage
disposal plant in the town of Trappe, Talbot County, Mary-
land, for the collection, transmission and disposal of drainage
and sewage from the houses and other buildings, cess-pools,
wells, sinks and other receptacles for sewage and drainage in
said town, including also, if The Commissioners of Trappe
shall at any time so determine, storm water and other drain-
age from the streets, lanes, roads and alleys of said town, and
The Commissioners of Trappe shall have full power and
authority to determine when and where, and in what order
and under what streets, roads, lanes and alleys the sewers and
drains of said sewerage system shall be constructed or laid,
and to make contracts for the construction thereof, and shall
have all the powers necessary or appropriate for said pur-
poses and for the accomplishment of the objects thereof.
549B. The Commissioners of Trappe shall have full power
and authority to acquire by purchase, lease, gift, devise or by
condemnation in the manner prescribed in Article 33A of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1939 Edition), title "Eminent
Domain", any lands or interest therein in the town of Trappe
or in Talbot County, adjacent to said town, which may be
needed for the disposal of said sewage or drainage, or for any
pipes, sewers, buildings or other works or structures needed
for the construction and operation of said sewers or disposal
of said drainage.
549C. The Commissioners of Trappe shall have full power
and authority to construct said sewers and drains in or under
the beds of any of the streets, roads, alleys and lanes, and in
or under any lots or parcels of ground belonging to or which
it may acquire, and to connect therewith at the expense of The
Commissioners of Trappe, or to require or cause all owners
of property along the line of said sewer or drain to connect
therewith, at the cost of said owners, their respective house or
buildings, drains, sinks, wells, cesspools and receptacles of
water or sewage, and full power and authority is hereby con-