Section 89 of said Article, be and it is hereby added, and all
to read as follows:
89A. (a) Within ten days after each general or primary
election, the Supervisors of Elections of Baltimore City, and
of each County using voting machines, shall make a record of
the number on the seal and the number on the protective
counter, if one is provided, of each voting machine used in
each election precinct or district in each said general or pri-
mary election, shall open the counter compartment of each
such machine, and, without unlocking such machine against
voting, shall verify and recanvass the votes cast thereon.
Before making such verification and recanavss, the Supervi-
sors of Elections shall give notice, in writing, to the custodian
of the voting machines to be recanvassed and to the Chairman
of the State Central Committee of each party which shall
have nominated candidates for said general election or shall
have candidates for nomination at said primary election, and
each of the said Chairmen shall have the right to appoint
and designate two representatives who shall each have the
right personally to examine and make a copy of the vote
recorded on the machines.
(b) If, upon such verification or canvass, it shall be found
that the original canvass of the returns has been incorrectly
made from any machine or machines, a statement in writing
shall be prepared giving in detail as to each such machine,
the result of the verification or recanvass, and such statement
shall be witnessed by the persons present and shall be filed
with the other returns of said election. Such recanvass of
votes made pursuant to the provisions of this section shall
thereupon supersede the returns filed by the judges of the
election precinct in which the canvass was made.
(c) If upon such recanvass, it shall be found that a dis-
crepency still remains unaccounted for, the Supervisors of
Elections, after the expiration of the time within which peti-
tion for recount may be made, with the assistance of the
custodian of the machine, shall unlock the voting and count-
ing mechanism of the machine and, in the presence of the
authorized representatives present, shall proceed to thoroughly
examine and test the machine to determine and reveal the
true cause or causes, if any, of the discrepency in the returns
from such machine. Before testing the counters, they shall
he reset at zero, after which each counter shall be operated
at least one hundred times. After the completion of such
examination and test, the custodian shall then and there
prepare a statement, in writing, giving in detail the result
thereof, and such statement shall be witnessed by the persons