"State Department of Public Welfare", sub-title "Aid to
Dependent Children", Sections 37 and 44 having been
amended by Chapter 333 of the Acts of 1945, clarifying
the provisions of said sections and providing that certain
provisions thereof may be rendered null and void in the
event of certain Federal legislation.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Sections 37, 40, 41 and 44 of Article 88A of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1939 Edition and 1943 Sup-
plement), title "State Department of Public Welfare", sub-
title "Aid to Dependent Children", Sections 37 and 44 hav-
ing been amended by Chapter 333 of the Acts of 1945, be
and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments, to read as follows:
(Definitions.) (a) As used in this sub-title: "State
Department" means the "State Department of Public Wel-
(b) The term "Local Units" means the "County Welfare
Boards" created under Sections 12 and 13 of this Article,
and the Department of Public Welfare of Baltimore City.
(c) "Dependent Child" means a needy child under the
age of eighteen years (a) who has been deprived of parental
support or care by reason of the death, continued absence
from the home, or physical or mental incapacity of a parent,
and (b) who is living with his father, mother, grandfather,
grandmother, brother, sister, stepfather, stepmother, step-
brother, or stepsister, uncle, or aunt, in a place of residence
maintained by one or more of such relatives as his or their
own home. "Child" shall include an illegitimate child; for
the purpose of clause (a), such illegitimate child shall be
considered the child of both parents although paternity has
not been established by legal proceedings or otherwise, or
is in fact unknown; for the purposes of clause (b), such child
shall be treated as if it were legitimate in determining re-
lationships through its mother, and also through its father,
when the paternity of such child is established to the satis-
faction of the local unit by such proof as it deems adequate.
Support from relatives shall be regarded as a potential
resource and evaluated as to amount and availability, as
determined by rule and regulation of the State Department.
(d) Tn the event that future Federal legislation makes
available grants in aid to the states for all needy children,
the limitations set forth in this section may be rendered
null and void by rule and rgeulation of the S'tate Depart-
ment, if it is found desirable to conform thereto.