ing is sought. The case shall he docketed in the name of the
child, as respondent.
840. Whenever any officer takes a child into custody because
of violation of any law or ordinance he shall, if he deems it
practicable, release said child in the custody of and upon the
written promise of the parent, guardian, or other custodian
of the child to bring the child to court at a time fixed. If not
so released, the child shall be placed in the custody of some
person designated by the Judge, or shall be held in such place
of detention as may be provided. No child shall be confined
in any police station, prison, jail, or lock-up, unless in a room
entirely separate from adults, nor be transported in associa-
tion with criminal, vicious or dissolute persons. Within a
reasonable time after arresting a child as provided in this
section, and before the child is confined in any place of de-
tention, the arresting officer shall file a petition under oath
as described herein. Nothing in this sub-title shall be con-
strued as forbidding any peace officer, police officer, or other
authorized person from immediately taking into custody any
child who is found violating any law or ordinance, or who is
reasonably believed to b"e a fugitive from his parents or from
justice, or whose surroundings are such as to endanger his
health, morals, or safety unless immediate action is taken. In
every such case, the officer taking the child into custody shall
proceed as provided in this section.
841. Upon the filing of any petition as herein provided, the
Division of Parole and Probation shall make such investiga-
tion as may be directed by the Court to supplement informa-
tion already available. Such report and recommendations,
together with the petition and all other papers in the case,
shall be transmitted to the Judge.
842. If a hearing is to be held, the Judge may issue writs
of summons for all parties whose appearance is necessary,
ordering them to appear before him at a time and place named
therein. Service of writs and process issued by the Judge
may be made by any police officer, peace officer, or by the
members of the Division of Parole and Probation. In the
performance of any of their duties under this sub-title, the
Division of Parole and Probation shall have all the authority
of Constables.
843. (Hearing—Disposition.) All cases under this sub-title
concerning children shall be heard separately from cases
against adults. Hearings shall be conducted in an informal
manner, and may be adjourned from time to time. The Judge