tunity by first class passage; and for every day's
detention at quarantine by order of the health officer, Five
Dollars ($5.00) per day for every day of such detention,
and maintenance. Any pilot being detained on board any
vessel for any reason whatsoever shall be allowed Five
Dollars ($5.00) per day and maintenance for each day he
may be so detained. The payments and expenses incident
to the provisions of this Section shall be a liability of the
master, agent, owner or consignee of said vessel.
17. No person, firm or corporation shall employ his
vessel as a pilot boat unless he be a licensed pilot under
the terms of this Article and follows that occupation, under
the penalty of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150.00)
for every vessel such boat may board.
18. Whenever a pilot is engaged to pilot a vessel, the
master shall continue him (if inward bound), to her first
port of discharge or to sea (if outward bound), or pay him
full pilotage.
19. The pilots may be required, under the direction of
the Board of Pilot Examiners, to keep as many as three
pilot boats at sea, one of said boats to be stationed fifteen
miles to the north of Cape Henry, one in the latitude of
and ten miles from Cape Henry and one fifteen miles south
of Cape Henry; and the Board of Pilot Examiners shall
have full power to make rules and regulations for their
cruising, and may designate and appoint five pilots, and
grant them authority to enforce such rules and regulations
as they may adopt, and to inspect the boats in service from
time to time, and generally do all things which may be
necessary for the efficiency of the pilots and the boats
used in the service; such vessels shall be at least of eighty
foot length on the keel, with necessary propelling machin-
ery, fully found and fully equipped to engage in the busi-
ness of piloting.
20. Nothing contained in this Article shall be con-
strued to prevent the employment of any person without
a license as a pilot to pilot a vessel in any of the rivers of
this State, except the Patapsco and Potomac Rivers or the
Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, or from any port of the
Chesapeake Bay north of the Patapsco River, to any other
port of said Bay north of said river.
Approved April 16, 1947.