Leave for bill amendatory of an Act passed at
the present session, amending A. A. 1876, Ch.
173, regulating the working and ventilation of
mines in, and Garrett County, 669; reported,
read first time, second, 765; amended, read sec-
ond time, 813; third and passed, 828; returned,
passed, 947.
House bill to extend the jurisdiction of Justices
of the Peace in, and other counties in petty crim-
inal cases by adding sections to Art. 1, Code P.
L. L., entitled, sub-title Justices of the Peace;
received, read and referred, 681; reported and re-
ferred, 708; reported unfavorably, adopted, 784.
House bill to authorize the County Commis-
sioners of, to correct the assessment, under 1876,
Ch. 260, on the Shares of Stock of the Cumber-
land Cast Steel Manufacturing Company; received,
read and referred, 705; reported, read second
time, 748; third and passed, 893.
House .bill to add sections to Code P. L. L.,
entitled, sub-title flour, to follow Sec. 71; receiv-
ed, read and referred, 727; reported, read second
time, 748; third and passed, 811.
House bill to repeal Art. 1, Secs. 193-8, sup-
plement 1870 to Code P. L. L., title, relating to
birds, received, read and referred, 738; reported,
read second time, 748; third and passed, 893'
House bill to supplement A. A. 1872, Ch. 282;
for the promotion of agriculture and the mechan-
ical and household arts in the State, in so far
as the same relates to; received, read and referred,
758; reported, read second time, 787; third and
passed, 906.
House bill to authorize the cession of the Cum-
berland Turnpike Roard to the County Commis-
sioners of, and Washington County, received,
read and referred, 779; reported, read second
time, 787; third and passed, 872.
ALLEN, W. H—See Hook, Chas. D. C.
to amend the Act incorporating the, received,
read and referred, 308; reported, read second
time, 367, third and passed, 580.