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Proceedings of the Senate, 1878
Volume 410, Page 1017   View pdf image (33K)
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5th District—Joseph Harrison.

5tb do Sylvester Summers.

5th do Henry S. Barnett.

6th do John Murdock.

6tb do John H. Laken.

7th do Horatio N. Harne.

7th do Daniel W. Blessing.

7th do Elijah Swope.

8th do Josiah Buck.

8th do John E. Brown.

8th do John G. Hine.

9th do Peter Middlekauff.

9th do James W. Leggett.

10th do William H. Myers.

10th do John H. Fiery,

11th do ————————————

11th do —————————————

12th do John H. Wade.

12th do Upton Morin.

13th do Joseph C. Hushberger.

13th do David Pittenger.

14th do Charles H. Dickel.

14th do Jacob Moates.

15th do James R. Meyers.

15th do Lancelot Jacques.

16th do John J. Bitner.

16th do Benjamin Witmer.

17th do Joseph. A. Skinner.

17th do Christian C. Bretzler.

17th do Solomon Calklesser.

18th do John S. Wolf

18th do John Neff.

19th do John Buck.

19th do Aaron T. Baker.


On motion by Mr Newcomer,

The Senate advised and consented to the aforegoing ap-

Annapolis, Feb. 20, 1878.
Gentlemen of the Senate ;

I make the following nominations of civil appointments for
Howard county.


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Proceedings of the Senate, 1878
Volume 410, Page 1017   View pdf image (33K)
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