8 State Papers and Addresses
State is so largely dependent. There may be a few examples here and there
of employers who exploit their workers. Such practices ought to be ended by
the use of whatever appropriate power the State possesses. I believe firmly
in the principles of collective bargaining and feel that enlightened Maryland
employers believe in it also—and wish to see the practive extended. We must
realize that capital and labor produce wealth together, that each in its own
sphere helps in our common production. Satisfactory solutions result when
each realizes that it alone cannot have all of the advantages; that in this world
of "give and take" neither capital nor labor has a right to expect all the
milk in the coconut. Experience has shown that both sides are directed by
human beings and as human beings, neither side is free from shortcomings,
neither commands all the knowledge and wisdom in the world.
Maryland labor should be vigilant to protect itself from "boring from
within. " undertaken for the promotion of theories alien to the traditions and
principles of our own people. Neither labor nor capital should be misled by
doctrines espoused by people with historical backgrounds so completely unlike
our own.
And while we hear constantly of rights, as the right to strike and the right
of collective bargaining, let us never forget that there also exists another right,
namely, the right to work. This right is ingrained in the American philosophy
underlying our economic and social order, and so long as this country has
respected it, we have advanced on the pathways of civilization.
The agencies that are established to administer laws to promote this har-
monious relationship between capital and labor must be administered with the
utmost impartiality. These agencies should not be dominated by labor, nor
should they be dominated by capital. Justice for those immediately involved
should be the guiding motive in the settlement of every dispute for only through
justice can we serve the welfare of the whole body politic and soundly improve
the economic conditions of our time.
An important obligation of the State, which must never be shirked, con-
cerns the welfare of the indigent, the homeless, and those who by reason of
mental or physical infirmities depend upon the State for their sustenance. Not
only is it inherent in our conception of a Democratic form of government that
unfortunate citizens who cannot sustain themselves, despite their eagerness
to earn a livelihood, must not be allowed to starve or to be without shelter,
but also our innermost feeling of friendliness to our fellow men dictates that
we must give the really deserving the necessary aid and succor.
In order that resources and funds available for deserving cases be not
dissipated, we owe it to the taxpayers to eliminate unworthy cases. The State
does not owe an obligation to support everyone but rather confines its attention
to those who are unable, through their own efforts, to obtain the necessities
of life. Those who are entrusted with the handling of public funds for relief
purposes have a grave obligation to guard expenditures jealously and refuse
improper demands.
The State's obligation to the patients in the mental institutions, the hospi-
tals for the tubercular and feeble-minded must be met squarely, and accomoda-
tions afforded in keeping with decent standards of living and hospitalization.
An example of what might be done for the betterment of conditions is to be
found in the situation concerning the almshouses of Maryland. Conditions in