524 State Papers and Addresses
October 29, 1941
MARYLANDERS* have never shirked their duty to the Federal Government
in the many crises that have faced our Country from Colonial days.
Certainly, from the gathering here today, and from the many evidences of
wholehearted cooperation that have come to attention since Mrs. Whitehurst
first was named to head the Women's Division of the Maryland Council of De-
fense, the women of Maryland are upholding nobly the traditions of State
loyalty and cooperation.
It is an inspiring thing to note the enthusiasm with which our women have
responded to the official call to align themselves under the banner of civilian
defense. Many, many times in the past women of our State have rendered the
most valuable services in times of stress and war, but never have they had an
opportunity to present an organized front such; as has been given them during
the past year, the results of which are being reported here today.
To women who have given so generously of their time and their abilities as
you women have, it hardly would seem necessary to recall that we free people
of America have a stake in the world's troubles today such as no other people,
in no other land, could have. American Democracy, with all its unmatched
freedoms and privileges, and opportunities for personal advancement, is not
merely something to wave the flag about, and to cheer from the sidewalks as
the troops go by on parade. American Democracy is the most scared form of
government that mankind has ever evolved, because it is based on the inherent
dignity of man as an individual, and because it recognizes to the fullest his
God-given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is something
to work for, to fight for, to die for, if necessary! It must be preserved for
future generations, no matter what the cost.
Not only is there evidenced here, and in all the activities of the women's
division, an intense loyalty and desire to he of service, but this loyalty and
patriotic ambition have been harnessed into working order, so to speak, so that
today there is an organized, well-functioning branch of our defense activities.
Under Mrs. Whitehurst, the Chairman selected in the various counties have
done yeoman service.
To all who have worked so enthusiastically throughout the State, to Mrs.
Whitehurst and her corps of very splendid assistants, and to everyone present
here today, I wish to voice in most sincere fashion the thanks and the congratu-
lations of the people of our State for what has been accomplished. You have
laid the foundation for an organization that will be invaluable to our Nation
and to our State if ever we are called upon to resist attack, or to fight off in-
vasion, particularly from the air.