of Governor Herbert R. O'Conor 511
portance and should be of the greatest value in assuring permanent progress
in the field of conservation.
Another interest represented on the Board of Natural Resources is the
Maryland Publicity Commission, which is designated to assist in the preparation
and spreading of information and educational matter put out by any of the
Departments. In addition to the State agencies enumerated, provision was
made for the appointment to the Board of six members from the State at large,
with a provision that four of these, from the tidewater counties, shall have had
practical experience in tidewater fisheries, but have no present financial interest
in the fisheries industry.
Typical of the high caliber of men whom we have called into active serv-
ice are the two members at large from Baltimore City, Dr. Isaiah Bowman,
President of the Johns Hopkins University, and Mr. Edwin G. Baetjer, of the
Baltimore Bar. Certainly Maryland is fortunate to have men of such capabili-
ties at her service. The Board of Natural Resources held its first meeting some
weeks ago, at which time there was organized and set up a tentative program
which will be further discussed at the second meeting scheduled for next week.
After this somewhat lengthy exposition of the new conservation setup and
type of personnel represented on the Board and its various agencies, it need
hardly be added, I believe, that the State is assured now of the most thoughtful
attention to its conservation problems that has ever been possible at any time
before in our history.
It is a regettable fact that in the past our people have shamefully misused
our rich heritage of natural wealth. It is equally true, however, I am certain,
that Marylanders generally realize what has been done and are determined
that all possible steps be taken to restore, as far as possible the wealth that
once was ours in such profusion.
Maryland is fabulously rich in actual and potential natural resources. With
the assistance of the public-spirited men who have accepted our call to service,
men who have no selfish interests to serve, but only the long-range good of the
State at heart, assurance can safely be given that we finally are headed in the
right direction, and that the policies now in effect or to be initiated, will pay
rich dividends that will redound to all the people of our State.