382 State Papers and Addresses
Broadcast over Radio Station WBAL., Recording-Broadcast over Station WFBR
May 15, 1941
Annapolis •
THIS is not an ordinary occasion. The circumstances under which these
exercises are held are indicative of its exceptional nature. Extraordinary
conditions justify, and indeed require, that recourse be had to extraordinary
In view of the volcanic state of world affairs, it is timely for us to face
facts realistically, and to state conclusions frankly. Never before—at least
during the modern centuries—has the world been confronted by such a threat
as it is now called upon to face. Not since the days when the hordes of Islam
sought to overrun Europe has there appeared a challenge of such widespread
significance as that with which the dictators now threaten the world.
So defiant and rapid has been the onslaught of these modern Tamerlanes,
that the anxiety of virtually the entire universe has been forced to give way
to the realization of a sense of immediate danger. 'In their mad, but unfortu-
nately up to now, triumphant march, the laws, practices and decencies main-
tained among nations have been despised and violated.
The uses and rights of private property have been disregarded or destroyed.
The guarantees of political and individual liberty have been cast aside. Free-
dom of religious worship has been either infringed upon or denied. The very
foundations of Western culture and civilization have been uprooted.
When, climaxing all this, the dictator has gloated that his aim is at world
conquest, it is high time that our Nation spared no effort for national defense.
Let us face the realities, though they be hard as gun steel, and as bitter as
sacrifice can be. What are some of the realities?
One is that America is only one step away from war. Anyone who tells
you otherwise is dodging the truth. Anyone who tries to minimize, to evade
or to escape this grim fact, even though well-intentioned, does not square with
things as they are.
Yes, America is only one step from war—the most destructive, all-encom-
passing war that this planet has ever known. All the instruments of man's
genius are being engined for the purpose of spreading death and extinction.
There is no one who is safe. There is nowhere to be safe—if we allow the
enemy to come to us. And it is as certain as the rising of tomorrow's sun that
come to us he will, unless he is crushed and smitten before he makes his lunge.
Why is America so close to war? There are physical causes and there are
moral causes. Let us consider the latter first. By our very nature, by the
consecrated blood of our forefathers, by our creeds and covenants, we are the