of Governor Herbert R. O'Conor 361
and instantly to all the people, in all sections and in all walks of life. Un-
favorable developments cannot be withheld from our people, undercover bar-
gainings can never remain entirely secret, there is no force, except the force
of voluntary patriotic cooperation, that can prevent our press from bringing
. to all our people all sides of every development that occurs.
* ' "
In emergencies such as the one we now face, the press of our Country
has both a solemn duty and a patriotic opportunity—not only must it continue
to present the news, impartially and completely, but it can at the same time
achieve greater unity of purpose among our people by morale-building editor-
ials and articles, and by constantly bringing home to all its readers the
extraordinary advantages of living under American Democracy, and * the
desirability of any and all sacrifices that would. prevent the loss of our
Democracy has seen many vicissitudes in this Country, but has always
survived, and the press has ever been a potent influence in this survival. With
the tradition of 160 years of guarding liberty behind you, I know the press
of our State and of our Country will continue to be the bulwark against which
the attacks of dictators will dash in vain.