356 State Papers and Addresses
tion particularly to the painting over the landing of the staircase, which
portrays Washington's resignation in this very room whose restoration we
are now marking.
To all who have had a part in the restoring and refurnishing of this Old
Senate Chamber, the State of Maryland will be eternally indebted, and I take
this occasion to voice to them our sincere and heartfelt thanks. To the mem-
bers of the Maryland Historical Society; to the members of its Restoration
Committee, particularly Messrs. Fowler and Fenhagen, who gave so much of
their time and ability; to Mr. Edward Clifton Thomas, a former resident of
Sandy Springs, Maryland, who made available to us the original desk used
by the President of the Senate; and to the members of Maryland Society of
Colonial Dames of America, -particularly Mrs. Shoemaker and Mrs. Howard,
I express the gratitude of the State Administration and of our people generally.
We are appreciative, too, of the very splendid way in which the members
of the Peggy Stewart Tea Party Chapter of the Daughters of the American
-Revolution accepted the invitation to sponsor today's ceremonies; and to Mrs.
Robert, President General of the Society of America, who we are very happy to
say is also a resident of Annapolis.
Today, Maryland reclaims one of its most valuable jewels of the past. It
is with a high sense of State pride, that I know is shared by every one here
present, that I now formally open this Old Senate Chamber to public inspection.