328 State Papers and Addresses
Following is a comparison of the 1941, 1942 and 1943 total budgets includ-
ing general funds, special funds and debt service.
General Funds.............. $21, 800, 430. 91 $22, 580, 374. 00 $23, 044, 925. 00
Special Funds................ 22, 778, 110. 23 24, 211, 875. 16 24, 767, 619. 08
Public Debt.................. 6, 258, 083. 75 6, 115, 164. 00 5, 944, 064. 00
Totals...................... $50, 836, 624. 89 $52, 907, 413. 16 $53, 756, 608. 08
The above table indicates that the 1942 general funds budget is increased
?779, 943. 09. A table appended hereto, will indicate where these increases oc-
cur. In 1943, increase in general funds budget is $461, 551. 00.
Of the increase of $779, 943. 00 for 1942, necessary appropriations to public
schools, State-owned and State-aided hospitals and institutions total $604, 515. -
00, which amount is equivalent to approximately 77% of the increase.
Appended to the printed message, a copy of which I am placing in the
hands of each member of the General Assembly, is a table summarizing the
total budgetary appropriation requests compared with the total budgetary
allowances for Capital, General and Special Funds for the fiscal years, 1941,
1942 and 1943.
It is gratifying to know that a much larger amount will be available for
road construction under the new Budget. The 1941 total appropriations from
Special Funds are $22, 778, 110. 23. The 1942 Special Fund appropriations total
$24, 211, 875. 16, an increase of $1, 433, 764. 93. A large portion of this increase
represents additional funds for road building and maintenance. The 1943
Special Fund appropriations are $24, 767, 639. 08, or $555, 743. 92 net increase.
This, also, will make possible additional road construction.
I have found it necessary to refuse a number of requests for allowances
from General Funds. The aggregate of requests for appropriations in 1942
was $24, 467, 203. 89. I cut these requests to the extent of $1, 886, 829. 89, leaving
a recommended budget for 1942 of $22, 580, 374. 00. Fortunately, no essential
activity is curtailed and we have made reasonable allocations to hospitals,
child-caring institutions and for public welfare. In 1943 the request for General
Funds appropriations aggregated $24, 960, 027. 69. I also found it necessary to
refuse requests for that year to the total of $1, 915, 102. 69, leaving a recom-
mended Budget for 1943 of $23, 044, 925. 00. The total of the requests which
are refused in the Budget as submitted is $3, 801, 932. 58.
I shall now proceed to a discussion of allowances to the various State
Agencies and other branches of the State Government.
Under the Constitution, the Governor is required to include in his Budget
the amount of money necessary for the support of the Judicial Branch of the
Government. In accordance with law, the Comptroller has certified the sum of
$403, 150. 00 for 1942 and $410, 225. 00 for 1943 as necessary for this purpose, and
I have included in the Budget these amounts for the years 1942 and 1943,
It will be noted that this appropriation has been reduced from $63, 848. 11
in 1941 to $10, 299. 00 for 1942, a reduction of $53, 549. 11. This is due to the fact
that appropriations for maintenance of the public buildings in Annapolis, con-
sisting of the items of light, heat, power and water, fuel and repairs to buildings,
have been transferred to the budget of the Superintendent of Public Buildings
and Grounds. This is a logical procedure, since that official has charge of
maintaining the public buildings.