State Papers and Addresses
Addition to Nurses' Home
Issue of
Issue of
Issue of
Princess Anne
Equipment and improvements
65, 000. 00
35, 000. 00
Total.......................................................... $200, 000. 00
For Chronic Disease Hospitals
(Contingent upon the passage of legis-
lation providing for Chronic Disease
Hospitals. This appropriation is made
to the State Board of Public Welfare) $1, 600, 000. 00
To Military Department—for
Completing Airport and Naval Militia
Building and improvements and re-
pairs to Armories throughout the
State and Camp Ritchie
100. 000. 00
To Commissioner of Motor Vehicles—for
Addition to present building................ 225, 000. 00
To Maryland State School for the Deaf—
Improvements and equipment................
To the Board of Public Works—for
Improvements to the Court of Appeals
Building in Annapolis........................
65, 000. 00 35, 000. 00 100, 000. 00
600, 000. 00 1, 000, 000. 00
50, 000. 00 50, 000. 00
100, 000. 00 125, 000. 00
15, 000. 00 15, 000. 00
75, 000. 00
Totals........................................................ $4, 172, 000. 00
75, 000. 00
$659, 000. 00 $1, 407, 000. 00 $2, 106, 000. 00
The various Departments, agencies and officials of the State requested that
I recommend for new construction and other capital outlays the very large
amount of $10, 012, 118. 00. Obviously it was not possible to recommend a sum
this large. I have carefully reviewed all of the requests for capital improve-
ments and have selected those items which I feel to be necessary for the
proper conduct of our State Institutions and Departments. As I have indicated
above, the bond issue recommended totals $4, 172, 000. 00, so that I have reduced
requests for capital improvements by $5, 840, 119. 00.
The amounts allotted to the various institutions and departments are set
forth in the above table with an explanation of the purpose for which the funds
are to be used. A summary of the fiscal operations for the next two years
showing the surplus at the beginning of the period, revenues and disbursements
for each of the two fiscal years, amounts set aside for tax reduction, and sur-
plus as of September 30th, 1943, will be found in the budget book.
The plan herewith suggested will provide additional working fund needed
by the Comptroller, including the amount necessary to finance payment of the
income tax in quarterly installments. A margin, which I believe to be safe,
will also remain to absorb any probable decline in revenues. We should re-
member that, while the financial condition of the State is extraordinarily sound,
we are living in a world of large uncertainties and no one can foretell the
events of the next two years and the effect on our own Country and our own
I am gratified to be able to recommend the reduction in the real estate tax
from 23. 35, in two steps, to 21. This is made possible in spite of the fact
that it is necessary to issue, during the next two years, bonds amounting to
$4, 172, 000. 00 in order to provide necessary construction at the various State