294 . State Papers and Addresses
Eastern Shore State Hospital—Two administration buildings have been
provided, which relieved overcrowding and have permitted the institution to
take care of all eligible applicants from the Eastern Shore. Most of the Eastern
Shore white patients in Western Shore hospitals have now been brought back
to the hospital at Cambridge. In addition, this institution has served a special
purpose by receiving all court-committed alcoholics and drug addicts from the
of types of patients, and, being of modern functional design, provide needed
entire State. The new buildings, also have made more complete segregation
equipment for hydro-therapy and better facilities for more private study of
individuals. Additional attendants and nurses have been on duty during the
past two years and there has been a low rate of employee turnover. Occupa-
tional therapy has been installed and has been beneficial in treatment of the
patients. This institution is planning to place convalescent patients in care-
fully supervised homes and to increase the facilities of mental hygiene clinics.
Crownsville State Hospital—With funds made available by the last Legis-
lature, a new hospital unit is being constructed which will include a separate
building for the treatment of tuberculous patients. This institution, of course,
serves the Negro insane and since a special tubercular unit will be provided
with the funds now available, it will be noted that provision has been made for
the segregation of tubercular mental cases among both the white and colored
races, the other special facility, as above noted, being at the Springfield State
Hospital. The Crownsville State Hospital, with the new construction, will also
be able to classify the epileptic group and to provide separation for terminal
cases. The usual facilities needed in a new institution of this kind will also be
provided, including equipment for hydro-therapy treatment.
In general, it can be said with respect to all State hospitals for mental
diseases that larger appropriations than heretofore were made, new construc-
tion has been made possible—and, in particular, it should be noted that the
latest treatment methods are being used. Insulin and electric treatments are
being administered at Springfield State Hospital, Spring Grove State Hospital
and the Eastern Shore State Hospital. With the cooperation of the Health
Department, pneumonia antigen, believed to be useful in developing an im-
munity to pneumonia, is being administered to patients at Springfield State
Hospital, Spring Grove State Hospital, Crownsville State Hospital and the
Rosewood State Training School. In the group of hospitals are thirty-nine
physicians, trained in psychiatry.
Probably the most outstanding advance that has been made in the care of
mental patients in Maryland in a great many years is the development of the
boarding-care program at Springfield. This has turned out to be a very useful
treatment procedure and at the same time is beginning to relieve a certain
number of beds in the State hospitals.
Rosewood State Training School—Since 1939, two new buildings have, been
completed and occupied including the kitchen building and a hospital building.
The latter is divided into four wards, two of which provide segregation for
tuberculous cases. Provision will be made in the budget, to complete the
equipment in this new hospital building. Six projects are now under construc-
tion, which will involve increased facilities and make possible the admission of
more patients. I shall, in the budget, make provision for another cottage so