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State Papers and Addresses of Governor Herbert L. O'Conor
Volume 409, Page 280   View pdf image (33K)
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280 State Papers and Addresses


I have, on behalf of our State, extended complete cooperation to the
Federal Government in the matter of national defense. In fact, one of the
most effective means to insure our national integrity is the continuation of
smooth-running and well-managed state governments.

It was with this in mind that I established in August the Maryland Council
of Defense and Resources as the official State body to advise with me on matters
of national defense that are to be carried out at state level, and to coordinate
such activities within the State. The Council operates in conjunction with the
Division of State and Local Cooperation of the National Defense Advisory Com-
mission, the two bodies jointly deciding upon a program in all matters requiring
state action.

The Maryland Council consists of twenty-five citizens, and operates through
a chairman, executive director and seven sub-committees under the following

(1) Industrial Resources and Production

This committee has forwarded to the National Defense Advisory Com-
mission a vast amount of industrial information of importance to them and
of great potential value to business concerns in this State.

(2) Civil Protection

This committee has been of considerable help in the working of the Selec-
tive Service Act, in preparing for the formation of the State Guard, and in
formulating plans for coordination of all emergency activities that may become
necessary: e. g., auxiliary police, auxiliary fire fighters, transport, etc.

(3) Health, Welfare and Consumer Interest
This committee has a triple function:

(A) Medical Plans—Auxiliary medical personnel, hospitalization, emer-
gency evacuation of sick and wounded, etc.

(B) Welfare Work—Handling the additional load resulting from the in-
creased industrial and military personnel, including entertainment, recreation
and comfort of soldiers away from camp, family welfare work, travellers' aid,
information services, etc.

(C) Consumer Interest—Retail price control, quality and nutritional value
of food.

(4) Housing Works and Transportation

This committee has assembled information on measures taken by corpora-
tions and municipalities for the protection and restoration of essential services.
It is, also, gathering information on the housing situation throughout the State.

(5) Agricultural Resources and Production

This committee is making available complete information of agricultural
production and consumption within the State, including livestock and seafood.

(6) Human Resources and Skills

This committee has been active in the promotion of technical schools
throughout the State, set up to assist industry in obtaining the skilled tech-
nicians needed.

(7) Legislation

This committee has made a review of existing laws, with a view to pre-
paring enactments that will be needed.

Future plans of the Council involve continuation of the activities outlined
above, but present some problems that are immediate. The first of these is to


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State Papers and Addresses of Governor Herbert L. O'Conor
Volume 409, Page 280   View pdf image (33K)
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