276 State Papers and Addresses
for the sake of doing it. Furthermore, the plan will not be projected for the
purpose of creating any new jobs for the sake of additional patronage. Speak-
ing for myself, I am entirely willing to forego some authority in appoint-
ments under a more desirable set-up in order to accomplish the final result.
Among other aspects of this general situation which deserve thoughtful
study be included closer working arrangements with Virginia, relating to prob-
lems of mutual interest to the two States. For example, the present Commis-
sioners realize that vital questions affecting the crab industry must be jointly
handled by the two States if the fullest benefits are to be realized, and results
already achieved amply justify extension of this policy. Another important
consideration is that of affording technical assistance to the various divisions
of State activity relating to our natural resources.
Well-informed private citizens have stated that noticeable improvement
has been made during the past two years in the matters above referred to.
I think that the Commission under the chairmanship of Edwin Warfield, Jr.,
has made decided improvement. Furthermore, in the work of the State Game
and Inland Fish Commission, of which Garner W. Denmead is the Chairman, it
will be agreed that those affairs have been administered dutifully and efficiently.
For this reason, your Committee might desire to have a full expression from
members of these commissions as well as from State officials conversant with
the questions of forestry, geology, erosion and other phases of this general
question. In mentioning this I assure you that the entire cooperation of the
State Administration will be given to your Committee in order to afford all the
data and facilities at our command.
It would be most satisfying to the public if you were to secure a complete
statement from the various agencies now in operation. I have always felt
that, in the final analysis, the success of a given State undertaking depended
upon the persons selected to administer it. In other words, no matter how well
planned the machinery may be, unless competent, energetic and high-minded
officials are appointed to operate it, the best results will not be achieved. 1
stress this fact because it has seemed apparent that what was needed in this
State was the enforcement of provisions already in effect. Such conscientious
enforcement of regulations has been required and, if continued, would un-
doubtedly produce even better results. My own opinion is that we are secur-
ing much better enforcement than heretofore, but I think the public would be
very much interested to have your opinion on this subject, also.
In conclusion, it cannot be too strongly urged, in the work which you are
undertaking, results affecting not only the present but future generations may
be achieved. Realizing this, I have called upon the public-spirited citizens com-
posing this Committee to lend their valuable assistance and I thank you in
the name of the State for your willingness to give your best efforts. While
other rewards may not be forthcoming, you can have the satisfaction of know-
ing, if your work is fruitful of good results, that your have earned the lasting
appreciation of the people for protecting and preserving their valuable posses-