218 State Papers and Addresses
1. To accomplish unity in the patriotic effort for National Defense by
the citizens of the State of Maryland.
2. To enlist full public support behind military, economic and social pre-
paredness activities and to cooperate with the Federal and State agencies.
3. To survey the resources of the State, including industries, labor, agri-
culture, transportation, communications, highways, housing and other
interests, so as to make available for the National Government all in-
formation and data which may be necessary.
4. To consider lawful efforts to circumvent and counteract all subversive
activities, fifth column, sabotage, etc., but equally important, to prevent
hysteria and to protect innocently suspected or accused persons from
unjust practices.
5. To consider a public information program for the enlightenment of the
citizenry as to the nature and seriousness of the problems confronting
the Country and the State and how the people can render assistance.
6. To consider policies to the end that profiteering or unfair practices in
industry relating to National Defense preparedness may be eliminated.
7. To serve as a clearing house for any individual or group suggestions
which relate to State resources or activities so that a most effective
means of submitting the same to the Federal authorities may be ac-
complished and thus prevent loss of time and effort through needless
duplication of effort.
Consideration may also be given to a study of the adaptability of industrial
plants, for emergency uses, munitions, etc. Additional benefits may be de-
rived from a study of the State Highway System and other possible means of
transportation in connection with the movement of large numbers of persons
or quantities of equipment and materials. It is for this reason that the Chair-
man of the State Roads Commission is included in the membership of this
Education was referred to above as one of the possible and desirable
methods by which the best results can be attained. Already educational leaders
throughout the Country have assured the President of the United States that
they are eager to cooperate in the formulation of plans for national defense,
as well as to render the highest type of service in any emergency. They
emphasize that the interests of education, democracy and of national defense
broadly conceived, are identical.
Vocational instruction may become increasingly important and the guides
in any such courses to be charted will be those experienced educators of the
respective states. This leads to the consideration of other phases of education.
It is concerning the all-important question of the dissemination of correct in-
formation relative to what the Nation is doing and why it is doing it. Through
proper and accredited sources increased emphasis may be given, it is suggested,
to the necessity of a better understanding and appreciation of the nature and
value of a democratic form of government so that there may be more effective
participation by the average citizen.
As an indication of the fact that the Governors of the United States are
alive to the necessity of immediate action, I might refer to the Conference of
Federal and State agencies on law enforcement problems in National Defense, to
be held next Monday and Tuesday, August 5th and 6th at the Department of
Justice in Washington. There will be considered topics such as—Protection and