of Governor Herbert R. O'Conor 163
pressing work ahead of the State. Rather I should prefer to start off with a
modest program and to outline a given course and stick to it, through periodic
sessions. This is the way in which we have undertaken the work of several
other groups, including the Traffic Safety Committee, with most satisfactory
Many different questions might easily suggest themselves for our joint
consideration, as the underlying basis of every worthwhile topic will be the
desire to increase the efficiency of the State Government and at the same time
to operate on the most economical basis. Efficiency does not mean the embarking
upon every suggested novel course, which may have occurred to someone ex-
perimenting in another State. It stands to reason that by concentrated effort
we can use to better advantage the tools we already have and get greater
benefit from the machine already available to us without the necessity of
adding new parts. Resultant economy might be followed by further elimina-
tion of unnecessary parts and it will be a fortunate outcome if the final cost
to the taxpaying public is less than it has been.
I do not think I exaggerate when I say the most important question be-
fore the public today is to reduce taxes so that instead of the government
acting as an impediment to further economic recovery, it will assist by lighten-
ing of the load which industry and commerce have had to carry. If our com-
bined efforts result in finding ways to cut down the public's bill and to devise
means whereby tax reductions can eventually be made, our time will be well
That much better results are gotten through the plurality of minds as
against the action of one individual has already been shown, I think, in our
recent method of functioning; I refer to the much greater use being made of
the Board of Public Works. In tribute to the other members of the Board, I.
am happy to say that the most desirable results have been obtained from the
consideration by the numbers of questions which are analyzed and discussed
and then decided, not by one but the group together.
In speaking of group action, our attention might now be directed to the
existence of the Legislative Council and how its functioning may have bearing
upon the possibilities of the work of this advisory group. I am an ardent
advocate of the Legislative Council idea and it is gratifying to see how actively
and conscientiously this arm of the legislative branch is already operating.
I am most anxious to have every possible cooperation given by department heads
and others in the State Government so that the legislative group can have
complete and detailed information upon which to prepare its program. There,
undoubtedly, will occur instances in which this advisory group can be of as-
sistance in recommending matters for the consideration of the Legislative
Council or methods by which certain issues can be clearly presented or con-
sidered. Last but by no means least, this Advisory Council should be of great
benefit in the determination of the policy of this administration upon proposals
of the Legislative Council. By this reciprocal method of consideration, the
public's business will then have the thorough-going scrutiny of both the legis-
lative and executive branches of the government.
While various questions may readily suggest themselves as worthy of
the attention of a policy-making group, it may be considered desirable not to
try to cover too many phases of the State Government. With the Legislative
Council actively engaged in the investigation and study of outstanding ques-