140 State Papers and Addresses
Remittances to Baltimore City of Truck License Fees and
Franchise Taxes and. 0014 of 2tf Gasoline Tax, being Balti-
more City's distributive share of revenue from these two
sources, not required for Debt Service on Bonds of the State
Roads Commission......................................................................... 255, 733. 58
Disbursed as Debt Service on Bonds of the State Roads Commis-
sion of Maryland:
For Interest.................................................... $171, 111. 55
For creation of a Reserve Fund................ 125, 000. 00 296, 111. 55
Disbursed for the acquisition of Capital Properties...................... 232, 637. 57
Disbursed for the redemption of Outstanding Bonds of the State
Roads Commission of Maryland, the proceeds of which had
been authorized for the construction of roads and bridges...... 5, 230, 392. 28
Disbursed as cost of constructing roads and bridges, together *
with appurtenances on the State System of Roads, and on
the County System of Roads, including costs of reconstruc-
tion, additions and betterments to the State System, and in-
cluding those projects financed by Federal Funds................. 7, 247, 385. 94
Total........................................................ $17, 833, 963. 88
Expended in the. construction of Toll Bridges, financed from the
proceeds of Bridge Revenue Bonds and Federal Grants............ 1, 644, 280. 75
Grand Total............................................ $19, 478, 244. 63
Throughout the campaign, as well as in my inaugural address, I empha-
sized the need for improvement in the system of the minor judiciary. Grave
abuses in the administration of the justice of the peace courts had been dis-
closed and it was obvious that under the vicious fee system Maryland was
lagging behind other states in the inferior court system. I made the solemn
pledge that there would be definite improvement in this branch of the govern-
ment, the operation of which vitally affects so many of our citizens, particularly
the poorer classes.
By way of a report in this connection, I am pleased to state that already
these changes have been effected. The fee system has been abolished and in
its stead the trial magistrate system has been inaugurated, with a resultant
reduction of the number of trial justices from 275 to 75. A Commission headed
by former Chief Judge Hammond Urner of Frederick completed a thorough
study and analysis of this system and this Commission's recommendations
have been adopted. Already marked improvement in the functioning of these
courts has been evident.
Realizing that the successful operation of the courts would depend in
large measure upon the calibre of the persons appointed, I sought the as-
sistance of well-informed groups and individuals in making my selections. The
Bar Association of Baltimore City cooperated splendidly and the majority of
the appointees in the City were recommended by it.
As an illustration of the efficient methods now in operation, I point to
the People's Court of Baltimore City where decided betterment is noted, and
where, by the institution of a conciliation court, persons with small claims
have the opportunity of adjusting their differences, at the same time saving
expense, time and vexation of long-drawn-out procedure.