of Governor Herbert R. O'Conor 105
entire United States is so located that it must pass through Maryland to reach
the Nation's Capital.
This much can be stated with assurance to the travelling public, whether"
from within or outside the boundaries of Maryland—no effort will be spared
and every consideration will be given to the completion of a most modern and
comprehensive system of roads and bridges than any State could enjoy.
With the opening of this great structure in Western Maryland, it is to be
noted that at this very time two other bridges are under construction in
other parts of the State; one over the Susquehanna, in the northeastern sec-
tion of the State and the second, over the Potomac in Southern Maryland. The
cost of these other two bridges will be approximately $10, 000, 000 and upon
completion they will answer a long felt need. In these undertakings the State
Roads Commission in preparing this new modern highway building plan is
fully alive to the necessity for securing eventually to the travelling public and
pedestrians the fullest measure of safety and protection.
Before concluding may I point to the fact that it is an inspiration to the
spirit to have the privilege of participating in such a ceremony as this. Such
a ceremony is fraught with much meaning for Democracy and the future of
our mode of living.
Here today before our very eyes, we have symbolized the spirit of peace-
ful progress that is the Spirit of America, as distinguished from the spirit of
many other nations of the world. Where else today in all of the world could
you attend ceremonies like these—ceremonies dedicated to the well being and
continuing comfort of the people?
Here are exercises with no stress or rancor, or thought of harm for any
other people on the face of the earth. Here is cemented a new bond between
residents of Maryland and of other States that will make for better under-
standing, for greater realization for increased liberty of movement. It is a
bond that serves to emphasize anew the irreconcilable difference between free
America and the rest of the world. It emphasizes that our separate States
are really united at heart, even though divided geographically and by adminis-
trative boundaries.
What a happy contrast to the remainder of the world divided and separated
as it is by racial hates and rancors into unfriendly groups that temporarily
may be forced together, but are never brought to friendly neighborliness. In
such a peaceful setting with definite evidence of material progress before our
eyes, I do not exaggerate when I say that it is justification for sincere con-
graulations to all who are present. -
More than that it is proof positive of the determination of our people to
forge ahead to greater accomplishment, convenience and comforts. But most
of all, it re-kindles in our hearts genuine satisfaction of being citizens of the
great country where such events are possible—the great Democracy we call