House bill, File No. 660, entitled "An Act to amend
the charter of the Kee Mar College of Washington
county, Maryland, a corporation duly incorporated
under the General Laws of Maryland, by changing its
corporate name and adding powers thereof."
Endorsed: "Read the third time and passed by yeas
and nays."
House bill, File No. 318, entitled "An Act to auth-
orize and empower the County Commissioners of Tal-
bot county, in the State of Maryland, in their discre-
tion to construct a bridge across Roll's Creek in Tal-
bot county."
Endorsed: "Read the third time and passed by yeas
and nays."
House bill, File No. 498, entitled "An Act to auth-
orize and direct the County Commissioners of Mont-
gomery county to construct a stone pike road over the
county j'oad between the town of Kensington in said
county not less than 12 feet wide and to borrow money
therefor issue bonds and to levy and collect from the
taxable property in the Fifth Election District of said
county an annual tax sufficient to pay said bonds and
Endorsed: "Read the third time and passed by yeas
and nays."
House bill, File No. 636, entitled "An Act to pre-
vent the obstruction of the jsidewalks of the streets,
lanes and alleys of Baltimore city, and for that pur-
pose to repeal the paragraph entitled 'Buildings' of
section 6, entitled 'General Powers' of Article 4, en-
titled 'City of Baltimore,' of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland, as enacted by chapter 123 of the
Acts of the General Assembly, passed at the January
session, in the year 1898; and also to repeal section 8