In line 209, printed bill, strike out after word "dol-
lars or so much thereof as," and in line 210, strike out
the words "may be necessary."
Which was adopted.
In line 31 of printed bill, amend by inserting after
the word "dollars" the words "for the salary of a
Medical Assistant to the State Board of Health, one
thousand dollars."
Which was adopted.
Under sub-title "Miscellaneous," on line 234, after
the word "dollars," add the following: "To the Game
Warden, the sum of five hundred and fifty-seven dol-
lars and sixty-three cents for expenses, food and care
of game birds and legal expenses for the two years
ending March 31, 1904, and the further sum of four
hundred dollars for the travel and expenses of the
Game Warden, from April 1st, 1904, to April 1st,
1905, and the like sum from April 1st, 1905, to April
1st 1906, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, as
per vouchers to be filed with the Comptroller."
Which was adopted.
Which was read the second time, and ordered to be
engrossed for a third reading.
Mr. Johnston, from Judiciary Committee, reported
House bill, File No. 851, entitled "An Act to declare
the sanction and consent of the General Assembly of
Maryland, to sundry gifts, bequests and devises con-
tained in the last wills and testaments of certain per-
sons deceased; and also to certain gifts, grants, sales,
leases and deeds made by various persons to and for
the use and benefit of sundry ministerial persons, re-
ligious corporations, educational associations, denomi-
nations or sects, and to certain charitable institutions
hereinafter named."
8. Strike out all "Section 8," and in lieu thereof in-
sert the following :
"To the sale, grant and deeds, made and executed
as follows, By the Fulton Avenue Methodist Episcopal
Church of Baltimore city, of the leasehold interest of