Volume 405, Page 49 View pdf image (33K) |
49 A marked white oake Standing near a branch Side thence with a Line drawne Southwest by South one hundred & fiftie perches to a marked white oake for breadth thence with a Line drawne for Length Northwest by North Three hundred forty & three perches thence with a Lyne drawne northeast by north one hundred & fifty perches & from thence with a right Lyne to the first bounder Containing & laid out for three hundred acres of land more or Less Together with all rights Proffitts benefitts & priviledges thereunto belonging Royall Mynes excepted To have & to hold the Same unto her the Sd: Rebecca Cox her heires & assignes forEver undr:Such rents Covenants & Limitacons & exceptions as in and by the Sd: deed of grant recourse being thereunto had more fully & more at Large it may & doth appeare Now this Indenture Thomas Cox & Rebecca his wife for the Consideracon of eight Thousand pounds of tobacco in hand payd by the within named John Colwall before the ensealing & delivery hereof whereof & wherewith the Sd: Thomas Cox and Rebecca his wife doth acknowledge themselves to be fully & wholy Satisfied and paid and doth of & for Every part & parcell thereof acquitt & dischardge the Sd: John Colwall his heires executrs: & administratrs: for Ever - by these presents hath given granted bargained Sold feofed and Confirmed and by these presents doth fully & absolutely give grant allienate bargaine Sell enfeofe & Confirme unto the Sc: John Colwall & to his heires & assignes for Ever all that the aforesaid Trackt or parcell of Land Mentioned Called Maidenhead together with all and Singular the roomes Cellers Solletts halls parlours Chambers houses houseings Courts yards gardens orchards Closes woods underwoods Timber & Timberlike trees wayes easements & other appurtenances and emolumts: whatsoever unto the Sd: parcell of Land & pr:misses or any of them appurtenant belonging or appertaining had used demised or enjoyed as part parcell or member thereof or as there unto or to any part thereof belonging or appertaining as also the Sd:Thomas Cox & Rebecca his wife for themselves theire heires executrs:& administratrs: hath granted bargained & Sold And by these presents doth give grant bargain & Sell unto the Sd: John Colwall his heires & assignes for Ever All & Singular Lettrs:Pattents exemplificacons of Indentures Counterpaines writing Conveyances & Evidences fines & recoveries Chierographies of fines Charters Deeds the premisses hereby mentioned to be bargained & Sold or only any part thereof & wch: now are in the hands ~ Custody possession of the Sd: Thomas Cox or Rebecca his wife or any other person or persons by their delivery or appointment or to their use or wch: they may have obtaine or Come by without Sute in Law all & Singular wch: Sd: Letters Pattents exemplificacons of fines Conveyances Deeds &c Soe hereby bargained & Sold by the Sd: Thomas Cox & Rebecca his wife doth hereby grant & agree to deliver or Cause to be delivered to the Sd: John Colwall or to his heires & assignes on this Side of The ffeast of St: Michaell the Archangell Safe uncancelled & undefaced as now the Same are To have and to hold the Sd: parcell of land afore mentioned and all & Singular other the pr:misses hereby mentioned to be bargained & Sold & every of them with theire & every of theire appurtenances unto him the said John Collwall his heires & assignes To the onely proper use & behoofe of the Sd: John Colwall his heires & assignes for Ever: without any Mortgage Condicon or Limitacon use or redemption to recall alter Charge or determine the Same To be holden undr: or: Soveraigne Lord & Lady the King & Queene for & undr: Such rents & Services as the originall rented deed of grant reserved & of right accustomed to be paid And the Said Thomas Cox & Rebecca his wife for themselves theire heires executors & administrators & every of them the Sd: parcell of Land with y appurtenances before by by these presents bargained & Sold unto hime the Said John Colwall doth for Ever fully acquitt & discharge the Same of and from all manner & other & formr"bargaines Sales forfeitures Dowries Joynturies Surrenders and of and from all other Titles incumbrances Claimes & demands whatsoever heretofore had made done Comitted omitted or Wittingly or Willingly Suffered or hereafter had done used Comitted or Suffered or procured by the Sd: Thomas Cox Rebecca his wife theire heires or assignes or by any of them of by any other person or persons whatsoever by their or any of their Meanes Consent procurement And the sd: Thomas for themselves Cox & Rebecca his wife^their heires with the said John Colwall his heires & assignes & Every of them that the Sd: John Colwall his heires & assignes shall & may from time to time and at all times hereafter peaceably for Ever & quietly have hold occupie possess & enjoye the Sd: bargained pr:misses without the Let interruption expulsion eviction of the Sd: Thomas Cox or Rebecca his wife theire heires or assignes or of any person or persons whatsoever now haveing or Lawfully Claiming to have or wch: hereafter may have or Lawfully Claiming to have any manner of estate right Title interest thing or demand of in or out of the Said bargained pr:misses or any of them by from or undr: them or by their or any of their means Consent or procurement And the Sd: Thomas Cox & Rebecca his wife for themselves their heires executor & admrs: doth hereby Covenant & agree to and with the Sd:John Colwall his heires & assignes That they the Sd: Thomas Cox & Rebecca his wife at the time of the delivery of these pr:sents is and Standeth Seized of the Sd: land & premisses with the appurtenances thereunto belonging of a firm Sure good & indefeazeable estate of inheritance in fee Simple & that they the Sd: Thomas Cox and Rebecca his wife hath good right full power & Lawfull authoritie to grant bargaine & Sell the Same to him the said John Colwall |
Volume 405, Page 49 View pdf image (33K) |
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