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Session Laws, 1947 Special Session
Volume 404, Page 175   View pdf image (33K)
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taxes for the support of the County Government are now
levied and collected. The engineer so appointed shall hold
office for four years from the date of his appointment and
until his successor is duly appointed and qualified and shall
be eligible for reappointment. In the event of the death or
resignation of the said engineer or in the event of his re-
moval as hereinafter provided, the said County Commissioners
shall appoint a man with the same qualifications for the
balance of the unexpired term.

The said Roads Engineer shall not be liable to removal
from office for any other reason than incompetency or wilful
neglect of duty, or other cause which may impair his use-
fulness. He shall not be removed, however, except after
written charges preferred against him, and an opportunity
to be heard in his defense afforded him. Hearings in regard
to his removal from office shall be public, and there shall be
no appeal from the decision of the County Commissioners.

He shall give bond to the County Commissioners of Har-
ford County conditioned upon the faithful discharge of his
duties and the protection of said County Commissioners
against loss or damage by reason of any act, default, neglect,
false or fraudulent statement of his whatsoever, in the penal
sum of Ten Thousand ($10, 000. 00) Dollars.

The said Roads Engineer shall not be interested financially
in any individual, firm or corporation from which any ma-
terials, equipment, machinery or supplies are purchased by
the County while he is in office, nor shall he receive any
commission or pecuniary profit on any such purchases.

The said Roads Engineer shall reside in Harford County
during the term of his office, shall devote his entire time
to the discharge of his duties as such Engineer, and during
the term of his employment shall not accept or receive any
compensation from any other source.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act is hereby
declared to be an emergency measure and necessary for the
immediate preservation of the public health and safety and
having been passed by a yea and nay vote, supported by three-
fifths of all the members elected to each of the two Houses of
the General Assembly of Maryland, the same shall take effect
from the date of its passage.

Approved November 10, 1947.


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Session Laws, 1947 Special Session
Volume 404, Page 175   View pdf image (33K)
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