to transport on said road all coal or other property
of every description, which may be brought to
the said rail road for transportation under the restriction
above stated.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted,
That for the time being
and until directors are chosen by the share holders,
Francis Thomas, Michael P. O'Hern and Lloyd
Thomas or a majority of them, may organise and act as
directors of the said company, and that this law shall
take effect from its passage.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted,
That nothing herein
contained shall be construed to give to the said company
banking privileges; and the legislature reserves
the right at all times to alter or repeal the charter hereby
Banking forbid.
AN ACT for the greater security of the revenue from
licenses in the hands of the Clerks of the several
Courts of this State.
Passed March
25, 1853.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That from and after the first day of May,
in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-three, it shall
not be lawful for the clerks of the several Circuit courts
of this State, or the clerk of the court of Common Pleas
of Baltimore, to issue to any person or persons, any
marriage or other license whatsoever, now and which
may be authorised by law, or which may have been
heretofore issued by the clerks of the County courts,
and the clerk of the City court of Baltimore, except in
the manner hereinafter directed by this act, and if any
clerk of any Circuit court, or the clerk of the court of
Common Pleas of Baltimore, shall from and after the
said first day of May, in the year eighteen hundred and
fifty-three as aforesaid, issue any marriage or other
license contrary to the provisions of this act, every such
clerk so offending, shall forfeit and pay for each and
every offence, a sum not less than ten nor more than
five hundred dollars, in the discretion of the court.
Not lawful to
issue license.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That it shall be the duty
if the Comptroller of the Treasury Department, to
Duty of